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Are You Aware of These Common Causes for Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Barrett Plastic Surgery
Are You Aware of These Common Causes for Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Developing dark circles under the lower eyelids is a common occurrence. You can receive unfavorable comments about how weary you look if you have dark circles accompanied by bags under your eyes. In reality, though, there are numerous causes of dark circles.


Dark circles are thought to be caused by fatigue and lack of sleep by a lot of people. In addition to this, there are other reasons for dark under-eye circles, such as allergies or age.


This article explores some common reasons for under-eye dark circles and how CO2 treatment for dark circles can be effective for the condition. 


What are the reasons for dark circles appearing under the eyes?


1 – Strain on the eyes


Not only does straining your eyes impair your eyesight, but it can also affect your under-eye appearance. If you gaze at a computer or television screen constantly, your eyes may get fatigued. Blood vessels near your eyes may swell as a consequence of this strain. Consequently, this could lead to the skin surrounding your eyes to get darker.


It might be beneficial to have your eye prescription examined to prevent more strain and further discoloration.


2 – Fatigue could be a cause


You may develop dark circles under your eyes as a result of oversleeping, extreme tiredness, or simply staying up later than normal. Getting lesser sleep can make your skin appear drab and pale. Your skin's dark tissues and blood vessels may start to emerge.


Sleep deprivation may also lead to fluid accumulation beneath your eyes, giving those areas a puffy appearance. The shadows cast by swollen eyelids may be what you see as black circles.


3 – Might be due to aging


Another typical cause of dark circles around your eyes is natural aging. The loss of volume in the facial region occurs naturally as we age, which is a primary factor in why dark, sunken under-eyes start to show.


Your skin becomes thinner, as you age. The collagen and lipids that maintain the suppleness of your skin may decline. The area beneath your eyes darkens as a result of the exposed dark blood veins beneath your skin.


4 – Dehydration


However, volume loss is not just a result of aging. All of the tissues in your body, including your skin and the delicate tissue around your eyes, will begin to shrink if you are severely dehydrated.


The skin around your eyes starts to seem dull, and your eyes appear sunken when your body is dehydrated. This is caused by how closely the eyes are located to the underlying bone.


Why is CO2 treatment for dark circles good for you?


CO2 treatment for dark circles has a high rate of success. It tackles the majority of issues affecting the skin beneath the eyes and is referred to as CO2 laser resurfacing. The main issues clients have with the appearance of their under-eye areas are fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. All of these are treatable with CO2 laser therapy.


Furthermore, the skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and thin. Too-deep laser penetration can harm rather than heal, which is particularly dangerous around the eyes.


Wrapping up


Anyone, regardless of age or race, can develop dark circles due to many factors. Dark circles are influenced by various causes, including genetics, aging, and lifestyle choices. CO2 treatment for dark circles can help eliminate the problem and give you a fresh, youthful look. For more information related to the treatment procedure, please get in touch with Barrett Plastic Surgery.

Barrett Plastic Surgery
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