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Every Child’s Dream: A 4-Step Guide on Becoming An Astronaut

IDE Academy Pte Ltd.
Every Child’s Dream: A 4-Step Guide on Becoming An Astronaut

When people are young, they tend to dream big. Many of their hopes, dreams, and passions stem from things they got exposed to as children. One of the many aspirations of children is to become an astronaut and to see space. From there, kids read books, take STEM classes in Singapore, and get inspired to pursue a career in the field.

Visiting space is one of the many things students studying STEM education in Singapore look forward to. To help you achieve your aspiration to become one, here.


1. You must take a STEM programme in Singapore or any related Bachelor’s degree in college

2. You must have a Master’s degree in STEM education in Singapore or:

  • Five years of work or experience toward a PhD program in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Maths fields
  • Two years of work or experience in a military program
  • Completion of a nationally-recognised test pilot school program in Singapore 

3. You must be able to complete two years of professional experience in STEM fields, or at least a minimum of 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time or flying training in a jet aircraft.

4. Although optional, you can also take subject internships in related fields during your STEM classes in Singapore. It can help you gain in-depth and extensive knowledge in scientific disciplines.

Unfortunately, even if you study at the best schools and excel in your classes, not everyone can get the chance to become an astronaut. Taking STEM education in Singapore is a good start.

If you really want to be an astronaut, be competitive and have high levels of education. Start with a STEM programme in Singapore. NASA or ISRO typically looks for candidates with an Engineering, Biological Science, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Computer Science, or Mathematics degree.

IDE Academy offers STEM, design thinking for children, entrepreneurship, or professional development programmes in Singapore. Learn more of what they offer on their website!

Resource : https://sites.google.com/view/ide-academy-singapore-stack/infographics

IDE Academy Pte Ltd.
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