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What Are the IVD's Potential Applications?

Naveed Iqbal SEO
What Are the IVD's Potential Applications?

Technology for in vitro diagnosis (IVD) has advanced quickly, covering a wide range of functions from protein-level biomarker detection to cellular-level circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection. These functions include gene-level gene sequencing, SNP screening, and point mutation gene diagnosis. Overall, the products offered by IVD companies are becoming more straightforward, quick, non-invasive, and educational.

Application prospects of IVD


1. Physical assessment


Modern individuals are becoming more and more concerned with their health, and many now have yearly physicals as a habit. Through the examination and detection of blood, urine, feces, secretions, and other bodily fluids, in vitro diagnosis can achieve the prevention and early detection of diseases.


2. Control of chronic diseases


Diabetes, hypertension, and chronic gastrointestinal illnesses are all on the rise globally. Additionally, disorders like osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia are very common. Regular monitoring of changes in blood glucose, blood pressure, blood lipids, Helicobacter pylori, and bone calcium is necessary for these chronic disorders.


3. Vital disease monitoring


Many cancer patients can use in vitro diagnostic methods to frequently monitor tumor markers after surgery and chemotherapy to anticipate cancer metastasis and direct treatment. For instance, after surgery, patients with breast cancer should routinely have chest X-rays, bone scans, liver B-ultrasounds, regular blood tests, and tumor-associated antigen tests.




Wondfo is a top supplier of reagents for diagnostic procedures and other services. Wondfo is an expert in precision medicine and offers tests that help veterinarians identify and treat illnesses more precisely and effectively. Strong application opportunities have been generated by the organization as a result of its rising customer base and growing market share. Wondfo should be your first choice if you're seeking a forward-thinking business that offers cutting-edge diagnostic services.


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