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Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implants

Havenview Dental Centre
Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implants

When looking for a solution to a broken tooth or missing one, many experts will suggest the option of dental implants after considering the dental structure. This option is suggested because of having a solid root that lasts longer and natural looks that make it difficult to identify the fake one. Scarborough dental implants are one excellent treatment provided by experts with complete efficiency.

What is the concept of dental implants?

This treatment is mainly used in case of missing teeth due to decay, infections, or accidents. Scarborough dental implants are the replacement teeth that match the natural dental structure in the jaw, fixed permanently or removable with a strong foundation of screw like threads.

In case of decay or missing tooth, implants are fixed in the bone if available in optimum quantity in the jaw, having a fake tooth fixed on the screw-like thread. This treatment removes the decayed or broken bone, replaces the foundation with implants, and uses grafting in case there is insufficient bone in the jaw.

What are the types of Dental implants?

1. Endosteal implants:

In this procedure, a screw-like place holder is inserted into the jaw bone on which the replacement tooth is fixed. This is the most common Scarborough dental implant method when there is enough bone in the jaw structure.

2.Subperiosteal implants:

This method is the main alternative for Endosteal implants where a metal frame is on the jaw bone but below the gums. This treatment is used when the insufficient bone is left in the jaw structure. The replacement tooth is fixed on the metal plate while the gum around it heals and securely holds the structure.

3.Zygomatic implants:

This is a very uncommon Scarborough dental implant where the implant is placed in the cheekbone instead of the jawbone as there is a fragile bone in jaw structure. This procedure is also suggested when no bone is left in the jaw structure to fit the implant.

What are immediate implants?

The replacement tooth is placed within 48 hours of extraction during this method, but the bone destiny must be high with healthy gums. Usually, the Scarborough dental implant treatment uses this method of implants in case of healthy oral structure.

Following are the advantages of the treatment:

1.This treatment helps in better eating and improves oral health.

2.This is one durable solution that has lasted for more than 2 decades.

3.Implants improve the smile, dental appearance, and speech, filling the person with great confidence.

4.It restrains the discomfort coming from removed dentures.

In concluding note:

Dental implants bring lots of comfort when performed efficiently, so the experts must be careful and experienced. They should consider patients' comfort more like the experts at Havenview Dental does.

Havenview Dental Centre
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