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When to see your pediatrician.

When to see your pediatrician.

Your son woke up with a runny nose, fever, and body aches. Is it just a cold or the flu? It is important to be able to distinguish. Although colds are usually mild and go away on their own without treatment, the flu often requires medical attention to avoid serious complications. Getting an annual flu shot can prevent your child from getting the flu, but it's also important to know what to look out for and when to see your pediatrician.

Symptoms of the flu.

Unfortunately, the common cold and flu viruses share many of the same symptoms, so it can be difficult to tell which your child has. I don't want to rush you to the clinic if it's not necessary, but it's also good to know when your condition requires medical attention. The onset of the flu is sudden, with symptoms appearing almost overnight, while the onset of the flu is gradual. Fever is not a common symptom of the common cold, but fever almost always accompanies not only the flu but also body aches and weakness. Increase. Cold symptoms usually appear in the head, while flu symptoms are more common.

Do you suspect your child has the flu?

The first step is to call your pediatrician or pediatric urgent care. It may take a week for your child to feel better from the flu, but if your child has flu-like symptoms and is under 5 years old, you may need to see a doctor. Young children are more likely to have health complications from the flu. You've talked to your doctor and learned whether you should take him in for treatment right away or continue to monitor his condition before bringing him in. The trick is to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.

If your child has a high fever, ask the pediatrician if medications can help reduce the fever. Many antiviral medications can stop the virus from spreading if taken within the first 48 hours, so the sooner you get flu treatment, the better. The drug is often taken for 5 to 7 days to relieve symptoms and speed recovery. Contact your child's doctor as soon as flu symptoms appear.

When it comes to your health, our pediatrician offers helpful information and advice on common illnesses that run-in families. If you want to know what your child is sick with and how to treat it, learn the difference between a cold and flu and how to treat and prevent it.

A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that lasts 5-7 days in both adults and children. It is usually less severe and shorter in duration than the flu.

Causes of the cold.

  • Cough
  • sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever

According to the CDC, most healthy children have between 8 and 10 colds by age 2.

Flu season.

The flu is a very serious viral infection. The flu usually comes with:

  • High fever
  • Body pains
  • Cough
  • extreme fatigue
  • Strong headache
  • Chills

The flu lasts longer and makes sick people tired. It causes dangerous complications, especially in young children, the elderly, asthmatics, diabetics, and people with weakened immune systems.

Cold and flu treatment.

Cold treatment includes rest, fluids, and decongestants as needed. Cold attacks are gradual, as is recovery. If your child has a cold, he or she usually does not need to see a pediatrician. It only works if you listen carefully to the standards. However, if the fever persists, you may need to see your child's doctor. For the flu, your pediatrician may perform a quick flu test in the office to confirm the diagnosis. They can prescribe antivirals and provide instructions on how to monitor the child's symptoms. Make sure your child is well hydrated and administer paracetamol or ibuprofen as directed. If flu symptoms are more severe (shortness of breath, severe headache, palpitations, or other unusual symptoms), take your child to the nearest emergency room for evaluation. Pneumonia is a common and life-threatening complication of the flu.

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