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Hip Replacement Surgeon

mahi chauhan
Hip Replacement Surgeon

If you face any of these difficulties in your hips, search for the best hip replacement surgeon in Delhi and get the best treatment done for your problem. Hip replacement surgery also known as arthroplasty is a surgery used to treat hip pain, arthritis, or fractures. It must be challenging to walk or to get up from a chair if your hips are fractured or damaged by arthritis. You might think of getting hip replacement surgery if medicines, exercises, and walking supports are insufficient to relieve your pain. If you face any of these difficulties in your hips, search for the best hip replacement surgeon in Delhi and get the best treatment done for your problem.

Hip replacement surgery also known as arthroplasty is a surgery used to treat hip pain, arthritis, or fractures. In this, an orthopedic surgeon helps to remove the damaged hip joint and replaces them with artificial joints (prosthesis) constructed of different materials. This artificial joint helps you in movement, reduces hip pain, and helps you to resume your daily life work.

Cure My Knee provides the best hip replacement surgery in India with the most advanced medical technology and the latest types of equipment. We have a dedicated team of best doctors, a patient care team, and physiotherapists committed to provide you with the best care and treatment.


Address: H - 1565, LGF, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi - 110019

Contact no: 8800040372

mahi chauhan
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