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Reality of Government jobs

Reality of Government jobs

What is the Reality of Government Jobs?

The jobs which are provided to the citizens of a country are called government jobs. For making our daily needs doing jobs and earning money are really important. Money is just a piece of paper which is known as a note and a coin is made up of steel but the cost of both of these elements on the earth is very much more through which a person keeps his tummy full.

There are two types of jobs: government and private. The difference between both of them is we get stability in government jobs and the second thing is we have to focus only once and it needs only one-time hard work.

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● These jobs are assumed to be god-giving jobs. Many people believe that a person gets a government job only by labor and luck. But luck also enjoys company when he will patiently work hard more and more.

● As the advancement in technology is increasing day by day these jobs are getting reduced and there are so many things in which the government also wants us to take part and earn money. This is not the main reason for the reduction the government job

● One can do further preparations with these jobs and after achieving some higher position then he/she can easily resign from that job and move towards a higher position. There are no issues related to this matter.


● As the population is increasing, the teachers and our society want to make boys and girls equal. Girls are also achieving higher positions and earning millions of money as a boy does. 

● As we see in the past, our society only pressurizes a boy to earn money. That's why there is tough competition in society to take jobs and earn money. 

● Science brings advancement and higher companies like amazon, Flipkart, and Infosys provide higher packages than a government job can't provide.


1. These possess only academic knowledge which any person can gain from daily reading newspapers and from these academic subjects.

2. People should not interact with each other if they get this job. Whereas in private jobs a person has to become more social in his surroundings.

3. They can't suffer from any kind of harassment because of the stability they get from this job. They can easily follow their daily routine and do this job. But in a private job, the situation is just the opposite.

4. The people are more religious and they possess obedient nature towards their elders. Whereas I have seen so many employees who are not obeying their elders and want to obey only knowledgeable people.


1. When a person gets a government job then they do not update themselves with newspapers and what is newly introduced in their society. After some time when they keep doing their jobs, they become more dependent on others.

2. A person is not social and prefers to be reserved, which is not beneficial for their personal growth.

3. As in private increment in salary and position has been made by the corporate sector but there is a fixed position with a fixed salary in which every year a negotiable increment has been made by the government.

4. When any pandemic is introduced in the country or world then the government deducts DA from the salary of government employees. But in private jobs, there is no deduction of any money.


Every person has a different nature and situation and handles a technique through which he can overcome that situation.So the government job is best for all the people because no one then becomes more greedy towards money and higher position. All of us will become more positive and able to develop good qualities inside us.

It provides stability in the workplace therefore people move toward government jobs. Because of the development of good qualities inside a person, this is assumed to be a god's giving opportunity to an individual.

For a girl's government job is really important because of a girl. This is I believe but every person has a different point of opinion.

Girls are not able to bear such a hard routine which is followed in private jobs. they should go through a good pain and in private jobs, there are so many harassment cases that occur which are not good for a girl.

Therefore, for making a girl child more powerful and pain-free, government sectors are the best opportunity.

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