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What Factors to Keep in Mind While Website Redesigning?

What Factors to Keep in Mind While Website Redesigning?

A misconception about Website design is to focus on the site's visual aspect. The designers need to understand that appearance is just a part of the redesigning, not the end of it. If you are serious about your website, address the primary problems, rather than just focusing on the visuals. Following are some tips to redesign your website effectively.

Define the goals

You cannot reach a destination if you do not set one. So, the purpose and the goal of redesigning must be clear to you. Suppose your existing website design does not get much traffic. Hence, you decided to redesign your website to resolve these issues. Though this reason is fair to redesign your site, you should be more specific with the goals.

For example, you can shift the purpose to building a website with a built-in SEO feature to increase traffic by 25% by the end of the quarter. Other goals for redesign might include improving the website performance, increasing conversions, and many more. Define your goals before you begin the process of redesigning.

Improved functionality and performance

With a filter, an individual might look fit, but they will not have the stamina and endurance to run a marathon. So, to transform your site, you should think beyond the looks and address the performance and core functionality.

A successful redesign project improves or adds features with the audience experience in mind. So, make your website easier to use, rather than just making it prettier. Build a robust search function so visitors can navigate to the resources of their means easily. Captioned videos and detailed text will also enrich the user experience.

SEO Strategy 

It is almost impossible to make your website successful without optimizing it for search engines. All the efforts will go in vain if you neglect SEO. It helps your website rank on the result page and increases organic traffic.

Learning from other successful websites will give you an insight into the process of making your website rank like them. Proper keywords can do wonders for your site. But keep a note, unnecessary changes may backfire and aggravate the problem. A meta description is also crucial to get organic traffic to your website.

Website design is an integral part of any business. Hence, it should be done by an experienced professional to get the best result from it. Users are paramount, and you should take every step with the user experience in mind. A professional website designer will ensure you get everything you want.

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