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Indulge Your Sweet Tooth With Some Creamy Peanut Butter

Veeba India
Indulge Your Sweet Tooth With Some Creamy Peanut Butter

A condiment that has increasingly become popular in recent times in India is the peanut butter. One of the reasons for the popularity of the peanut butter is that it is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. You can use it as a spread and even as an ingredient in many a dessert recipes to indulge your sweet tooth. Want to know how? Read on for some interesting dessert recipes made with peanut butter:

Peanut butter cookies: When all you need is a quick bite to crave those dessert pangs, peanut butter cookies will come to your rescue. The best peanut butter cookies are plain but feel free to make them as you like with the addition of chocolate chips, nuts, oats or even raisins.

Peanut butter fudge: Another bite sized treat you will absolutely love is peanut butter fudge. All you need is some unsalted butter, sugar and a jar of organic creamy peanut butter from the best peanut butter brand in India to make this recipe in 5 minutes and sate your sweet tooth any time.

Peanut butter brownies or blondies: If you need a change from chocolate, add some natural creamy peanut butter to the cake batter and get a taste of the wholesome peanuts in every bite. Or, just swap out the chocolate entirely and bake a batch of peanut butter blondies! The rich and dense taste will have you hooked, we promise!

Peanut butter ice cream: For those who enjoy their desserts cold, the peanut butter ice cream is just the treat to savour. Easy to make and customize with creamy and crunchy peanut butter, it can be made with different toppings and flavours and is sure to be a hit with kids and adults.

Peanut butter cupcakes: A small cupcake anyone? Peanut butter cupcakes are a great choice for dessert and the best part is, you can even grab one for breakfast! Have it plain or top it with some jam and enjoy. 

If you want to enjoy the best peanut butter, then grab a jar from Veeba, the popular sauces and condiments company. Veeba brings a range of peanut and nut butters that are made from authentic natural ingredients for pure good taste and wholesome goodness.

Veeba India
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