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The Secret DIY Methods of Carpet Cleaning in Hyderabad

Jenny Kashyap
The Secret DIY Methods of Carpet Cleaning in Hyderabad

As the festivals like Diwali or Christmas are approaching, you must be occupied with cleaning your beautiful home. A home consists of various cleaning components like a kitchen, washroom, Curtains, store room, etc. Along with them, there exists another thing for cleaning which is too crucial. Carpets are the major spots of dust and germs accumulation. Therefore, they need rigorous and regular cleaning. However, you have two options for Carpet Cleaning in Hyderabad, either to call professionals or Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

However, if you are planning to clean up the carpet with some basic DIY methods, first of all, you need to identify the material of your carpet. Whether it’s made up of natural fibre or synthetic. As both materials require a different cleaning mechanism.

DIY solution for Carpet Cleaning

Although Deep Cleaning in Hyderabad is part of professional cleaning. You can give it a shot. However, you must use the possible guidelines to avoid any damage or harm to the carpet. 

  1. Solvent Carpet Cleaning Agent: Apply a solvent for oil. Alternately, use a non-acetone polish remover like Cutex Quick & Gentle to remove nail polish. A solvent carpet cleaner can be parched from the supermarket. 
  2. Vinegar Dip: For synthetic carpets, frequently dab a cloth in the vinegar solution, then press the cloth against the affected area for a short while. Take another 15 minutes to wait. (This is a crucial step because white vinegar gets rid of any leftover detergent that might otherwise attract dirt to the carpet.)
  3. Use Vaccum Cleaner: vacuum can remove the excessive dust and mud from the carpet which has accumulated over a long period of time.


However, while cleaning the carpet, be cautious about what method to use for which type of carpet. 

Jenny Kashyap
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