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Ethiopia Attestation | Ethiopia Embassy Attestation | Ethiopia Consulate Attestation | Document legalization for Ethiopia | Certificate Attestation for Ethiopia

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Ethiopia Attestation | Ethiopia Embassy Attestation | Ethiopia Consulate Attestation | Document legalization for Ethiopia | Certificate Attestation for Ethiopia

Ethiopia Embassy Attestation Service


Ethiopia Embassy attestation is possible on all Full Time / Regular Mode of certificate and also on all correspondence / part time / distance and open certificates. Any certificate issued from the Universities /private institute in India can be attested. For any abroad certificate (certificate issued outside India) cab be attested from Ethiopia Embassy in India If you have the Indian embassy attestation of the issued country on the certificate.

Call us for the Ethiopia attestation services

Educational certificate attestation we have two procedures, First one is start with University Verification, after which State authentication (HRD) followed by MEA(Ministry of External Affairs)then submit to Ethiopia Embassy attestation. However this process is time consuming procedure.

Second procedure starts with Notary public followed by Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) MEA (Ministry of External Affairs) followed by Ethiopia Embassy attestation. Both processes are valid for getting a visa in Ethiopia .


o  Original Degree/PG/Diploma/ certificate.

o  All year mark sheet copies.

o  All previous educational qualification certificates.

o  Passport copy.

Ethiopia Embassy Attestation Process Explained - Complete Guide


●      HRD process starts with University verification of Original Degree certificate from the respective University and followed by State Human Resource Department for certificate verification from respective State which is the initial stage of attestation.


●      After HRD process we will submit the documents to MEA-Ministry of External Affairs for verification. MEA verifies its authenticity and attest the document.


●      After completing MEA procedure will submit the all certificate to Ethiopia Embassy for attestation. Embassy will have a cross verification on all stamps and signature on the documents and upon positive verification ETHIOPIA Embassy will attest the documents.


●      SDM process starts with Notary public attestation on certificate from local Notary followed by Sub Divisional magistrate (SDM) attestation, after which we will submit the document to MEA (Ministry of External Affairs) to get the Indian ministry verification and finally submit the document to ETHIOPIA Embassy for attestation.

Ethiopia Embassy attestation for Non-Educational document:-

Your personal document needs to be verified from ETHIOPIA Embassy if you’re planning to bring your family to ETHIOPIA or in order to apply for a job you need to attest your personal certificates.

Non educational certificates / personal documents can be attested from ETHIOPIA Embassy in two processes.


●      Home Department and ETHIOPIA Embassy Process.

●      Notary, SDM and ETHIOPIA Embassy Process.

●      Bombay Mantralaya, MEA ETHIOPIA Embassy Process. (only for Maharashtra document

Commercial Document Attestation from Ethiopia Embassy.


There is a systematic procedure for attesting commercial documents from Ethiopia Embassy which follows as below.


●      Chamber of Commerce has to attest first and foremost on any commercial documents attested from the Embassy of ETHIOPIA or Consulate present in India (The Commercial document could be attested from Chambers of Commerce anywhere in India.)


●      After attestation from the Chambers of Commerce, the Commercial Document will be attested from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), New Delhi.


●      After completing Chamber of Commerce and MEA attestation the certificate will be attested from the Embassy of ETHIOPIA or Consulate present in India.



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