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Leading Stainless Steel Flanges Manufacturer and Supplier in India

Leading Stainless Steel Flanges Manufacturer and Supplier in India

Leading Stainless Steel Flanges Manufacturer and Supplier in India

Induskart is a Leading Stainless Steel Flange manufacturer in India. SS Flanges are designed and developed by international quaity standerds in various material grades as per requirement.

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Induskart is the leading supplier of SS flanges. Flanges are basic mechanical devices used to connect pipes, valves, pumps, and more. They are circular and usually welded or threaded with each other.

They come in two pieces, which are later joined by bolting with the gaskets. It helps the pipes to stay sealed and prohibit the leaking of material. The flanges are types of coupling up two lines.

The diameter and length of flanges depend upon the size of the pipes. There are various types of flanges available in the market namely Round Neck, Weld Neck Flanges, Socket Welded Flanges, Slip-On Flanges, etc.


What are the applications of flanges? 

  • Petrochemical industries

The flanges are used to connect pipes and valves. They are used to connect pipes with gaskets. This helps in the transfer of material used in petrochemical industries that have high pressure and temperature. It provides easy inspection of the material by eyes. They could be cleaned easily.

  • Automobile industry

They are used in vehicles to connect the engine and the transmission.

  • Electronics

They are used in many electronic devices to join various parts. For example, the flanges are used to connect the glass and the lens of the camera.


What are stainless steel flanges?

Stainless steel flanges or SS flanges are one of the types of materials that are used to make flanges. SS FLANGES or Stainless Steel flanges are one of the types of flanges based on the material of manufacturing flanges.


The Various Types of SS FLANGES or stainless Steel Flanges 

  • Weld Neck SS Flanges

Weld Neck SS Flanges have an outburst neck attached to the top of the flanges. They are also known as high hub flanges or tapered hub flanges. Such flanges are used to reduce the pressure of fluid in the bottom of the flange. They are used in high temperatures as well as in low temperatures withstanding the high pressure. They provide commendable stress distribution through the tapered hub, which helps the flanges to work more efficiently. They could handle pressure up to 5000PSI.

What are the applications of Weld Neck Flanges?

  • Oil and gas pipes
  • Vehicle rims:- car rims, motorcycle rims, chain rims, etc
  • Reinforcing steel


  • Slip-On SS flanges

Slips on flanges are placed on the end of the pipe with a flange face extending from the end of the pipe by a sufficient distance to apply a welded beard to the inner diameter. They are also known as “SO” flanges. The diameter and size of the slip-on flange are bigger than the pipe which helps it to slip over the pipe with internal design. The top and bottom of these flanges could be connected easily by welding them to the pipe. They are majorly used for low-pressure pipes and are considered to be suitable for fluid material.

What are the applications of slip-on flanges?

  • Cooling water lines
  • Firefighting water lines
  • Low-pressure air compressor


  • Threaded SS flanges

Threaded flanges are very similar to the slip-on flanges but the major difference is in the size the slip-on face flanges have a larger diameter than pipes whereas the threaded flanges have a diameter matching the pipes. They are used for pipes with high pressure and small diameters. the main benefit of threaded flanges is that they could be installed without welding.


What are the applications of threaded flanges?

  • Petrochemical industries
  • Chemical industries
  • Textile industries 


  • Reducing SS flanges

The reducing flanges are used when the pipe size is not the same they keep on changing. These flanges generally come in neck flanges that are blind, slip-on, threaded, and welded. They are available in all pressure classes and offer an excellent alternative to connecting two different pipe sizes. The reducing flanges consist of 2 bores one which has a fixed diameter and the other one with a smaller diameter.

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