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What are the advantages of registering a private limited company? | Le Intelligensia

What are the advantages of registering a private limited company? | Le Intelligensia

A private limited company has emerged as the preferred structure among new business owners due to its many advantages over sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLPs, OPCs, and public limited companies. 

This post has been produced to inform and educate readers about the benefits of a private limited company and to allow readers to make an educated decision on their legal statuses during their information.

In the past couple of years, India has seen a significant increase in the number of newly founded enterprises across various industries. India's startup ecosystem is currently the third largest in the world. 

Most of these businesses start on a small scale and only serve customers in their immediate area. They have low sales and profits, which makes investors less likely to give the businesses the money they need. But startups always want to be big in their industries and get the money they need to grow and expand. 

So, they are often told to incorporate and take advantage of the benefits of a Private Limited Company.

A Private Limited Company has several advantages over other types of business entities. Private Limited Companies are not only easy and cheap to set up, but they also have legal standing as legal entities. 

Also, under the Companies Act 2013, they don't have to do some things that are required by law. As a legal person or group, they also have the right to sue other people in court. Private limited companies are easy to set up and run, and it doesn't cost much. 

This is because the owners have limited liability, the business, ownership, and management are kept separate, and the business doesn't need a minimum amount of authorized capital.

Benefits of Private Limited Company Registration:

  • Limited Liability for owners
  • Attractive for Investors
  • Preferred for funding by banks and financial institutions
  • Simple and easy to incorporate
  • Low-income Tax
  • Perpetual Existence

Do you have any queries regarding the Private limited company registration process?

Don't worry. The best Private limited registration in Bangalore, ‘Le Intelligensia,’ is here to fulfill your queries effectively.

For more information,

Phone: +919108569562​, 

Address: No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560003, 

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