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What are the Benefits of Citric Acid Ester?

Pooja salve
What are the Benefits of Citric Acid Ester?

Citric Acid Ester reduces plastic viscosity and yield value to improve flow characteristics.It allows for cost reductions decreases the quantity of ingredients allows for the creation of innovative new products. allows for a 2-4% reduction in fat content as compared to chocolate that just contains lecithin, saving money. If PGPR is currently being utilized in the chocolate, additional fat reduction cannot be achieved. Lecithin's impact on the yield value is much outweighed by CITREM's impact. At larger dosages, Citrem does not demonstrate an increase in yield value, allowing for further fat reductions. Citric Acid Ester lowers the surface tension between the fat phase and water aids in the emulsification and processing of the water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions and helps to stabilise them.

Citrate esters are considered functional alternatives to phthalate plasticizers, however their toxicity remains poorly understood. Citric Acid Ester have been proposed as a class of phthalate substitute plasticizers; however, information on their occurrence in indoor environments is rare. CITREM is an emulsifier used in the food industry and contains citric acid esters. CITREM helps a mixture containing fats and water stay blended. It is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. FDA. DATEM is another emulsifier like CITREM that is found in some formulas.

Moreover, Citric Acid Ester offer a range of benefits when used as plasticizers, solvent alternatives, lubricant additives and performance enhancers in aqueous & solvent-based polymer formulations. In 2020, Germany imported US$ 48.7 million in salts and esters of citric acid, becoming the 2nd largest importer of salts & esters of citric acid in the world.

Read More- https://cmiblogdailydose.blogspot.com/2022/12/citric-acid-ester-used-in-plasticizers.html

Pooja salve
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