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What Is Pigment Dispersion and Its Properties

Pratik Kamble
What Is Pigment Dispersion and Its Properties

Pigment Dispersion is a process of mixing insoluble substances/pigments in a medium like water or some other organic solvent so that these can be used as ink paints. Typically pigment dispersion involves three major steps.


  • Pigment Wetting
  • Deagglomeration
  • Stabilization

Selecting the right pigment and the dissolution medium is extremely important. It helps to add a shine and finish to the ink painting. Alliance organic LLP provides the finest pigments with adequate size and high specificity. The pigments offered by the group can be used for textile painting, wall painting, and coating. The group is one of the best pigment dispersion manufacturers in India.

Alliance Group is a one-stop solution for different pigment dispersion requirements. It offers a variety of them ranging from Azo pigments to High-performance pigments. 

A complete shade card is available on the website of the group, which allows the user to know about the consistency and quality of products. All this makes adds value to the company and makes it customer oriented.

Different grades of pigments are offered here based on the application. The group produces its phthalocyanine pigments from its own CPC.

Good pigment dispersion has the following properties:

  • Stability

A good quality pigment has a resounding effect that does not allow the colour to fade away.

  • Viscosity 

Good paints and coatings provide even thickness and fine finish. Lower viscosity ensures an even distribution of pigment dispersions.

  • Optimal Size of Pigment 

Smaller pigment particles provide transparency. If the grind of the pigment is fine, the strength of the colour will be more.

  • Bright Hues 

The pigments used in dispersions have bright hues. The pigment soon varnishes and gets dissolved completely in the medium. It offers a glossy finish and helps to achieve the vibrancy of colours.

  • Competitive Prices 

There are limited pigment dispersion manufacturers in India. The product comes in different varieties and qualities. Depending upon the application and quality, the price of the product is set. Some of the best pigment dispersion suppliers in India might offer the products at affordable prices, while others might provide them at a higher price range.

Price is an important aspect when buying anything. The money must be worth the product. 

  • Customization

One of the prime benefits of buying pigment dispersions from reputed groups like Alliance is you can get it customized. They offer a variety of colours and different types of pigment dispersion. Depending on your need and the surface it has to be applied, they provide different shades and colours.

Alliance Organics LLP group has a high-performance portfolio and understands the customers well. They believe in delivering the best products and are the leading players in the paint and coating industry.


Why choose Alliance LLP?

Alliance Organics LLP is a one-stop solution for all your dyeing needs. It has it all for all customers. One can easily contact them and enquire about several products sitting at home. The website of the group has detailed information about all dyes and pigment dispersion. This allows the customer to get clarity and understanding of the product they are buying. 

Alliance Organics LLP group is one of the best pigment dispersion manufacturers in India.




Pratik Kamble
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