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Troubleshoot PDF and Print Problems QuickBooks PDF Repair Tool

Lillian Martin
Troubleshoot PDF and Print Problems QuickBooks PDF Repair Tool

Ending up in printing issues in QuickBooks is pretty much common, especially when printing invoices, documents, pdfs etc. This is when the QuickBooks print and pdf repair tool comes into play. In this post, we will be talking about the steps that are to be performed to download, install and successfully use QuickBooks print and pdf repair tool to fix the issues related to print in QuickBooks. This tool can resolve all the issues related to printing and pdf.

Thus, to find out the entire steps involved, the user can go through the post, or can also contact our customer support team for any further assistance.


Steps to download and use QuickBooks print and pdf repair tool

The user can perform the below steps to successfully download and use QuickBooks print and pdf repair tool. Let us check out the steps:

Step 1: Download and install QuickBooks tool hub

·        At first, the user should close QuickBooks

·        After that, download the most recent version of QuickBooks tool hub

·        Save the file where it can be accessed easily

·        Note that if the user has already installed the QuickBooks tool hub before, then the user should look for the version by opting the home tab

·        The version installed will be displayed on the bottom

·        After that, the user will have to open the file which was downloaded earlier

·        Also, the user should perform the on-screen steps to install and agree to the terms and conditions

·        Double click the icon on the windows desktop to open tool hub

Step 2: Run QuickBooks pdf and print repair tool

·        Select program problems in QuickBooks tool hub

·        And then select QuickBooks pdf and print repair tool.

·        This might take some time

·        The user should lastly try to print, email or save as a PDF from QuickBooks desktop again

With this, we come to the end of this post, where we hope that the information shared in above might be of some help to the QuickBooks users to make the best use of QuickBooks print and pdf repair tool in fixing issues related to printing.

However, if the user is facing any difficulty, or if the user needs any assistance, then contacting our QuickBooks support team at +1-844-405-0906 is recommended. 

Lillian Martin
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