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shampooing tips you wish you’d known sooner

shampooing tips you wish you’d known sooner

Hair care routine is something that one ought to diligently follow. It is normal to feel lazy from time to time, but it is also essential that one understands a pattern which suits their hair, and follows it. “Shampooing is one of the most important steps in a hair care routine, hence knowing some facts and knowing how to do it right is crucial,” she says.

1. Shampoo is only for cleansing the scalp, not for hair strands

A shampoo is exclusively for the scalp, it is supposed to be massaged into the scalp alone for 30 seconds or more depending upon the intensity of the product. Remember that for even distribution and hair shampoo price better lathering, your hair needs to be wet.

2. Shampoo should be used in little quantity; it should be diluted with water

If you do not do this, it can cause excessive dryness. Applying too much shampoo can damage your hair. No matter how long your hair is, a coin-size scoop is mostly perfect for everyone.

3. Shampoo frequency varies from person-to-person

Most of us apply shampoo once or twice a week. But depending on your hair texture and scalp nature, you must change your frequency. Some might require shampooing every day and in that case, using mild shampoos is a must. While some scalp might not require regular shampooing, hence slowing the frequency is important for texture and growth. Consulting a dermatologist if you’re facing any issues while shampooing can help you derive better results.

4. There’s no best shampoo

What suits someone else may not work for you. Everyone’s hair is different. You need to find a shampoo that suits your hair according to its nature. A dermatologist can guide you regarding your scalp condition and hair texture. Some may have dry scalp and some oily, hence picking the correct shampoo will work wonders.

5. Tying wet hair with a towel causes breakage

Once you’re done washing your hair, the drying part should also be considered. Carelessly tying up your hair with a tight towel can cause damage and breakage. One of the best ways to dry your hair is using a cotton towel or a cotton t-shirt; its soft texture won’t cause any damage.

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