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Things You Need To Know About Military Surveillance Antenna

Gurleen Nayar
Things You Need To Know About Military Surveillance Antenna

It becomes very difficult for military personnel to have safe and secure communication in high altitudes with extreme weather conditions. The Military Surveillance Antenna comes into the picture in this case! It is the most relevant antenna for ground-to-air, ship-to-shore, GMDSS, and applications in military communications. The optimum frequency required to operate it ranges from 100 MHz to 500 MHz. 

Do you know that the Military Surveillance Antenna can also be used as a radar and jammer? Well yes! This is what makes it a very essential and safe antenna. Army, police, marine, and aviation people often require radars and jammers to not let any undesirable moments in a specified area which can result in disruption and sometimes even tragedies.

Distinctive Features Of Military Surveillance Antenna

Services related to militaries like the army, navy, air force, and coast guards need to communicate over a wide frequency range without being detected. That is where the Surveillance Antenna comes into the application with high directivity and performance.

Following are some of the distinctive features of the Military Surveillance Antenna:

·     Wideband

This compact and easy-to-handle antenna falls under the category of wide band antenna. It assists in multi-functionality and communication over areas of large distances.


·     Directional Coverage

Military Surveillance Antenna will provide you with directional coverage HF to UHF which refers to receiving greater waves and powers at specific locations.


·     Standard Raw Material

This antenna is made up of excellent and high quality stainless steel. The raw material extracted to manufacture it is non-corrosive and suitable for high performance.


·     Uninterrupted Streaming

Any hindrance or obstacle cannot become an interruption in between the signal jamming. It is the utmost benefit of a military antenna that it allows uninterrupted streaming between both ends. 


·     Omni-Directional

Various types of antennas are similar to the surveillance antenna that utilizes omnidirectional strategies are wideband discone antenna, HF broadband vertical antenna, and ultra wide band discone antenna for HF/VHF and UHF bands.


Applications Of Military Surveillance Antenna

Military Surveillance Antenna is among one of the most trusted ones to get utilized in the following applications. Numerous aspects where this antenna can be applied are:

·     Military Submarine Communications

Not to worry about the marine application because it has a non-corrosive capacity! The Surveillance Antenna is used in long-range marine submarine communications. Its metal is highly non-reactive and can sustain for a long period.


·     Radar And Jamming Systems

It also acts and can be applied as a radar and jamming antenna by not letting any unwanted object come into the specified areas. The radars and jammers help in fighting enemy countries as well as reducing terror attacks. 


·     Identifying The Real-Time Locations

The ultra-wideband antenna is also applied to identify the accurate positions of the required person or thing. This feature is the aptest one for army personnel.


·     High-Speed Data And Video Links

The high gain wide band antenna also has to do with high-speed data transmission and video link generation. It will help in fast-tracking of the required entity and the succeeding communication of the same.


·     Measuring Radiation Patterns

The Wideband Antennas are also used to measure radiation patterns. These antennas can be inserted underneath clothing, aircrafts, submarines, and on shipboards.  


Drawbacks Of Military Surveillance Antenna

It is truly said that when something has benefits it also comes with a lot of disadvantages! While there are end-number of advantages of Military Surveillance Antenna, the following are a few of the drawbacks of it which formulates some of its shortcomings.

·     Interruptions In The Air

The military antennas might not be able to track objects when there is an obstruction in the medium in which they have installed the antenna. the medium can be air, water, or terrestrial.


·     Inaccuracy

Sometimes, due to improper identification, the antenna can also result in inaccurate decisions. The inaccuracy can have a misleading result which can harm the people associated.


·     Signal Interruption

Another disadvantage of the radar or surveillance antenna is that the waves travel through the medium of air. Since these are wireless signals, they can be interrupted by several others in the same area. This will result issues in data transmission.


·     Can Be Expensive

It can be expensive in small areas where it is going to be used only for a single time. That is why it is preferable to use it when you require it for a longer period.



Military antennas have become a necessity for all nations across the world. Apart from the Military Surveillance antenna described above, other antennas can be replaced by it like Quadrifilar Helix Antenna; used to transfer broadband waves, Military Coaxial Dipole Antenna; used for transmission and jamming, log periodic antenna; used for high power transmission. Many other antennas which are less but somehow related to it include Horn Antenna and Tactical Radio Relay Antenna.

Gurleen Nayar
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