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Imlie Aaj Ka Episode

Imlie Aaj Ka Episode
Imlie Aaj Ka Episode

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Imlie Aaj Ka Episode

After cocktail party, Abhishek tells Anu that it was a fun night and he didn’t know he would enjoy so much in his own cocktail party. He sees Chini frowning and asks her opinion. Chini tries to vent out her frustration but Anu stops her. Chini says she wanted Imlie, Arpita, Rupali all to enjoy with her in her function, but that didn’t happen. Anu says Chi baby doesn’t like Hindi songs and used to cry whenever Hindi songs used to play. Abhishek says Chini is grown up now. He leaves. Anu asks Chini to stop revealing her plans to everyone. Chini says not to to take tension asnobody can find out her plan. She reveals that nobody found out that she kept Pangdandia theme invitation card in Imlie’s room.

Atharva hears that and questions Chini why she did that. Chini stands tensed. Imlie enters and says chini doesn’t have any answer. Chini starts her emotional drama and says they saw he mistake but not her intention. She asks Chini what is her favorite place. Imlie says Pagdandia. Chini asks her favorite person, dress code, style, etc. Imlie says her mother, Pandandia style dress code, etc. Chini cries that everyone blame her even for her good intention, she had a break up for Imlie, even then Imlie doesn’t trust her. Atharva asks her to apologize Imlie for her mistake. Chini apologizes Imlie and asks Arto if he trusts her now. Arto asks her not to make such a mistake again and leaves. Chini asks Imllie if she is happy by demeaning her in front of Arto. Imlie says its Chini’s habit instead to demean others and should stop it before its too late or else even Sita Maiya can’t help her. Chini stands fuming.

Imlie brings coffee for Atharva. Atharva thanks her. Imlie asks for coffee? Atharva says for introducing him to the Pagdandiya dress, he feels so fee in it and its pure and lively like Imlie. Imlie says he can continue to praise her and asks him to change his dress first. Atharva says he doesn’t want to. Imlie says things which they see often lose its value. Atharva says he did same with Imlie and lost her, he is a biggest fool. Sundar, Arpita, and Rupali select mehandi designs. Imlie joins them and asks if she can help. Chini asks Imlie to help her and asks if they write their partner’s name on hand or somewhere else. Rupali asks what does she think. Chini says Imlie can’t write Atharva’s name on her hand as she is neither his wife nor girlfriend now. Rupali warns to mind her tongue. Imlie says some people can’t digest their food without speaking bitter and says fate will decide what will be written in her hand, Chini should worry about herself. Chini says she needs not worry as she as a life partner, she will flaunt it and click its pictures. Chini says nobody can change the name written in their fate.


Next day, Chini passes by Atharva and holds his hand. Atharva asks her to leave his hand as someone will see them. She says never, bride gets her groom’s name on her hand, she will get his name on her hand. Atharva says Abhsihek family and many guests will be here, what will she get by humiliating them. Chini gets adamant, continues to try to emotionally blackmail him, and leaves saying she will inscribe only his name on her hand. Keya asks Arpita to get god’s blessings to Chini’s mehandi. Rupali says she will keep it. Keya stops her and says only suhagans can do that. Arpita says there is nothing like that. Rupali feels sad and leaves. Chini hears that and scolds Keya for hurting Rupali’s sentiments. Keya says she indirectly meant it for Imlie who is technically not a sughaan. Chini says Imlie is not here, so she should stop her overacting. Keya leaves.

Anu reminds Chini that Rupali supported Imlie always over Chini, so she should stop bothering about Rupali and concentrate on taking revenge from Imlie. After some time, Chini asks Arto’s spelling in Hindi as Arto has lost his standards and is acting rustic in Imlie’s company. Anu says Rudra and others will oppose. Chini says she knows to handle everyone, etc. Mehandi cemeonry starts. Imlie notices Rupali and Shivani not getting mehandi applied and questions them. Shivani in her usual rudest tone yells at Imlie. Imlie recites a poem and picks mehandi cone to apply mehandi on Shivani’s hand when Chini snatches it from her and says only brides and suhagans can apply mehani, Imlie can’t as she just stays with Atharva but not as his wife, she shouldn’t spread abshagun in the latter’s wedding.

Imlie Aaj Ka Episode
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