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How Do I Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Acne and Dark & Brown Skin?

How Do I Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Acne and Dark & Brown Skin?

Although we don't want to accept it, hyper pigmentation is quite common. Almost everyone will experience this problem, even once in their life, since one of its main causes is sun exposure. However, there are many reasons why these darker marks may appear on the face or other parts of the body. Identifying what causes them is vital to treat them in a timely manner with the precise products, and thus, blur or eradicate them over time.

Dark spots on the skin, also known as hyperpigmentation, appear on all skin types when melanin is produced in excess and is distributed unevenly. Let's remember that this is the pigment found in most living beings and that, in the case of humans, it is the one that gives us our unique color. It is located in cells called melanocytes, which are found in the most superficial layer of our dermis.

The overproduction of melanin is activated for many reasons. It happens when we spend a lot of time under the sun and the skin feels unprotected. Then the cells begin to produce it in greater amounts. It will be a tan if it is evenly distributed, although over time the darkening of the skin can become accentuated in specific areas. Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by acne breakouts, wounds, inflammation, or hormonal factors.

How to remove spots on the skin?

To eradicate spots on brown skin, you need to identify why they appear in the first place. Hence, a visit to the dermatologist is mandatory in order to carry out a diagnosis and treatment, especially if it is a recurring problem. However, there are certain generalities that cause them that you can start paying attention to today, as well as possible products to combat them since in most cases the same substances are used to treat them.

As we mentioned before, UV rays are the main cause of melanin overproduction (visible on the face, neck, arms, and hands), but this is not the only reason why pigmentation can vary. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is mainly caused by acne breakouts or wounds, while melasma is more common in women, as it is associated with pregnancy hormones, and is evident on the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip. . There are also freckles, which are attributed to genetics, but can become larger and darker with constant sun exposure.

How long does it take for hyperpigmentation to go away?

The American Academy of Dermatology Association reminds us that the most effective treatment to combat skin blemishes begins with sun protection, since removing skin blemishes can take 6 to 12 months if they are in the most superficial layers of the skin. The organization emphasizes choosing a product with a broad spectrum of protection, an SPF of 50 or higher, being waterproof, having ingredients like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, and a non-comedogenic formula to avoid blocking pores in case oily skin

You should always use it in your beauty routine, even if it is a cloudy day or you don't know at home. If you are exposed to the sun, avoid the rays from 10 am to 3 pm, try to wear a hat, and apply sunscreen every two or three hours. You should also avoid touching your face at all costs in case of pimples, wounds, or mosquito bites. Once this point is addressed, you can focus on using products that help even out your skin tone with more effective results.

The Professional Health Organization recommends using topical creams with ingredients that help fade blemishes or slow melanin production, such as azelaic acid, glycolic acid, kojic acid, retinol, and vitamin C. On the Medical News Today website, a medical information site, they reinforce these compounds and also add hydroquinone and tretinoin. As home remedies, they list aloe vera, licorice, and green tea .as allies that can reinforce this objective in topical applications.

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