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Biography of Archimedes

mahsa zendedel
Biography of Archimedes

The famous and well-known Greek scientist Archimedes has become one of the greatest mathematical and mechanical scientists with many inventions in this field throughout history. So that after centuries of his life, his name in mathematics still remains strong. Before continuing the article, we recommend that if you are interested in math education, get the آموزش ریاضی نهم 0 تا 100

Biography of Archimedes

Our Archimedes lived between 287 and 212 BC. It was three centuries before Christ that this scientist was born in the city of Syracuse (Syracuse) on the island of Samos in the Mediterranean Sea. The modern name of Syracuse is Syracuse, which is located in the west of Sicily. This area later belonged to Italy after the Roman war.

Archimedes spent most of his life in his hometown, working in his favorite field, but in his youth he traveled to Alexandria to learn. The interest and attention that Archimedes showed to the surroundings and the environment of life caused him to become a physicist, mathematician, inventor, astronomer, engineer and, in general, a know-it-all like Khwaja Nasiruddin Tosi.

Archimedes' greatest discovery

The story of the great discovery of Archimedes goes back to the time when the king of Syracuse (Hiro) ordered a magnificent crown made of pure gold for himself. After the crown was made, the king had doubts about the purity of the gold in the crown. Heroshah's close and friendly relationship with Archimedes made the king request Archimedes, a famous scientist of that time, to examine the amount of pure gold in the crown.

At that time, analytical chemistry was not very advanced, and it was very difficult to distinguish whether the crown of gold was pure or impure, and it was impossible to give a definite opinion about it.

But Archimedes had a special skill and ability in mathematics and engineering so that even other countries were aware of his ability and skills in this field. At that time, Archimedes was able to calculate the volume of solids with a regular shape such as a cylinder or a sphere by inventing mathematical commands.

Therefore, it became clear to him that he can find out the purity of the crown's gold by calculating the volume of the king's crown. In order to be able to solve this riddle, Archimedes entered the water of the treasury (bath) and while sitting in the water, seeing the water overflowing, he realized that the volume of the water that came out was equal to the part that was in the water. In this way, he ran naked and happily in the streets of the city and repeated the phrase Yaftam Yaftam.

Archimedes' proof of the impurity of the king's crown

Archimedes' observations led him to know that objects of the same shape and size are capable of displacing the same amount of water, but this does not apply to weight. Archimedes realized that a half kilo silver bar is smaller than a half kilo gold bar and that gold weighs about twice as much as silver.

Archimedes proved his observations by using a container of water and three weights in which were the king's crown, silver and gold (taking into account that gold and silver were each the same weight as the king's crown). In fact, Archimedes' diagnosis by doing this experiment was that the immersion of the king's crown was more than the pure gold ingot, but the amount of water overflowing from the crown was less in the silver ingot.

By doing this experiment and realizing that the king's crown was not made of pure gold but a combination of gold and silver, Archimedes discovered one of the great secrets of nature.

Archimedes' experiment in this regard proved that the volume of different objects in different shapes can be measured by using a liquid that moves in a container of water. Thus, the law discovered by Archimedes about specific gravity was called density. This law discovered by Archimedes was a very important discovery so that after many centuries, scientists still follow this law to perform calculations.

Important discoveries of Archimedes

Archimedes spent his whole life doing what he loved. Also, he always spent his life thinking about various topics. Among the very important scientific activities of Archimedes, we can mention the law of density in liquids, determining the pi number, and the construction of Archimedes' pulley. It goes without saying that all his discoveries were very important, in such a way that the world of mathematics and physics has undergone a fundamental transformation in a large and huge way.

One of the great honors of Archimedes is that he was able to calculate the ratio between the circumference of a sphere and a cylinder. According to Archimedes' calculations, 2/3 of the volume of the cylinder covers the sphere; Also, the surface area of the sphere is equal to 2.3 of the surface area of the cylinder. Archimedes was so interested in this subject that he willed that after his death, the image on his tomb should be in the form of spheres and cylinders; In this way, the shape of the sphere and the cylinder on the tomb of Archimedes was hacked.

If we want to name one of the important and influential inventions of Archimedes, we should mention the invention of the catapult by Archimedes. Archimedes was very fruitful for his country by inventing this defense weapon. In addition to these, Archimedes, with his great intelligence, succeeded in calculating the surface and volume of objects such as cylinders, cones, and spheres; Also, he succeeded in introducing new solutions and methods in measuring mathematics to everyone.

By discovering the number pi, which is considered one of his great and important achievements, Archimedes was able to introduce a very important and widely used case in the world of mathematics.

There are books of Archimedes' activities and experiments related to the method of measuring various shapes, properties and geometric volumes such as spiral line, cone, sphere surface, parabola, curve, cylinder and spiral. It should be noted that Archimedes did not only introduce measuring solutions and methods, but also discussed very important laws related to the center of gravity of the inclined surface, screws and levers.

By the way, we must say that Archimedes had more discoveries that we have mentioned the most important of them; For example, he managed to determine the approximation of numbers with different methods. His achievement was very important and great because his familiarity with connected or continued alternating fractions preceded Indian mathematicians.

Also, with his rich and high intelligence, Archimedes succeeded in discovering the laws of levers and was able to propose some principles of mechanics with high precision for the first time.

The discovery of the knowledge of the equilibrium of liquids led to the determination of the equilibrium state of submerged bodies by Archimedes.

The end of Archimedes' life

Finally, in 212 BC and at the age of 75, Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier during the Roman attack on the city of Syracuse while he was thinking about a mathematical problem.

Archimedes had a very fruitful life, so that today's mathematics owes his rich intelligence and unceasing efforts in mathematics. His name will forever be recorded in history and will live on.

mahsa zendedel
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