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Real Estate Standard Business Cards Templates & Designs

Shahzaib Beig
Real Estate Standard Business Cards Templates & Designs

Standard business cards are a popular choice for real estate agents who want to create a professional and recognizable brand image. Here are some templates and designs for real estate standard business cards that you can use as inspiration for your own design:

Classic and Elegant

This design features a classic and elegant look, with a simple layout and traditional serif font. The agent's photo is prominently displayed, along with their name, title, and contact information. This design is perfect for agents who want to convey a professional and sophisticated image.

Modern and Minimalist

This design features a modern and minimalist look, with a clean layout and sans-serif font. The agent's logo is prominently displayed, along with their name and contact information. This design is perfect for agents who want to convey a modern and contemporary image.

Bold and Eye-Catching

This design features a bold and eye-catching look, with a colorful layout and playful font. The agent's photo is prominently displayed, along with their name, title, and contact information. This design is perfect for agents who want to stand out and make a bold impression.

Specialization Focus

This design focuses on the agent's specialization or area of expertise, with a design that highlights the type of properties or clients they work with. For example, a luxury real estate agent might use a design that features high-end properties, while a commercial real estate agent might use a design that features office buildings or retail spaces.

Double-Sided Design

A double-sided design allows the agent to provide more information about their services or showcase additional branding elements. For example, one side might feature the agent's photo and contact information, while the other side features a list of services or a map of the agent's service area.

QR Code Design

A QR code design allows potential clients to quickly access the agent's website or other online resources. The QR code can be prominently displayed on the card, allowing clients to easily scan it with their smartphone.


When designing a standard business card for your real estate business, it's important to choose a design that accurately reflects your brand identity and helps you to stand out from the competition. By choosing a classic and elegant design, a modern and minimalist design, a bold and eye-catching design, a specialization-focused design, a double-sided design, or a QR code design, you can create a professional and recognizable brand image that will help you to attract new clients and grow your business.

Shahzaib Beig
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