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Three Reasons Why You Should Never Build Your Own Built-In Fitted Wardrobes

Sarah Addyson
Three Reasons Why You Should Never Build Your Own Built-In Fitted Wardrobes

When choosing to put in built-in fitted wardrobes, there are plenty of things that one has to consider before actually doing it. Firstly, one should consider that, just like any custom wardrobe, this piece requires the skillful hands of seasoned specialists. That means that this isn’t some Sunday project that they can just start and finish on their own. Besides this, there are plenty of other factors one should consider before making any kind of decision.


How to Prepare for A Built-In Fitted Wardrobe?


Many homeowners have the idea of putting in a wardrobe wherever they might find a space big enough to accommodate one. Sure, they can put a wardrobe almost anywhere, but finding the perfect spot is crucial. That’s because, although just a piece of furniture, it has quite an important function. Keeping your clothes and other belonging safe isn’t something easy to do, so finding the right place to do it is very important. So any arch that is not being used, any niche that resulted from bricking up a doorway, or any other space in their walls can be that place.


But getting ready to put in a built-in fitted wardrobe isn’t as easy as it may sound. And that’s mostly because of the many steps that need to be taken in order to make sure that the wardrobe, once in place, is secure and ready to be used properly. The first step in doing this is to make sure that the measurements are accurate. Fitted wardrobes are assembled on the spot, so there isn’t any room for errors. So make sure that when you order it, you give the right measurements and that you confirm with the company doing the build before they actually arrive with the pieces that they are cut at the right dimensions. Sure, some may prefer a tighter fit, but that can turn into damaged walls and other problems.


Another thing to make sure that’s ok before putting in a built-in fitted wardrobe is that the floor is leveled. Some adjustments can be made to the feet of the wardrobe once it is in the house, but if the floor isn’t flush beneath it to start with, the fit won’t be good. This is how you will get wobbles when you walk past it, and also, you might get dents from weight not being distributed equally all over the legs of the wardrobe. So make sure that the floor where the wardrobe is going to be placed is evened out.


Should I Clean Up the Spot Before Putting in The Wardrobe?


Many people choose to do that. That’s because dust and other debris can accumulate and damage the coating of the wardrobe over time. So a good scrub or at least a deep vacuuming of the area is highly recommended. Plus, this way, you will clean a spot that you might not have access to for many times to come.


Three Reasons Why You Should Never Build Your Own Built-In Fitted Wardrobes


People think that building their own built-in fitted wardrobes isn’t such a big deal and that they can do it by themselves. Granted, some of them that have experience working in carpentry or other related areas might have a good chance of pulling it off. But just because some of them made a bird’s house in the 10th-grade shop class doesn’t mean that they should take on a project this size on their own. Firstly, there are a lot of materials that need to be bought and also special equipment. This can end up costing you a lot of money. When shops do it, they usually buy bulk and get good discounts, but you might not be able to get these deals on your own.


Another reason why building your own built-in fitted wardrobes isn’t such a good idea is that in order to make it fitted, very precise measurements have to be made. Some may argue that doing it on your own, in your own house, gives you much easier access to the area, and thus you can measure and modify the wardrobe easier and faster. But that isn’t always the case. When specialized people do these wardrobes, they use high-precision instruments in order to get the inches just perfect. Your old tape measure, while great for a smaller project, may not be as accurate as this one. You might end up with faulty joints, askew doors, and crooked panels. Not to mention that it might just simply not fit.


Also, when building built-in fitted wardrobes, specialists usually do the literal heavy lifting for you. Some of the parts used in these wardrobes can be quite heavy and difficult to move around, swing and hold. Builders have special equipment to help them do these things, plus years of experience. While you may have some very impressive strength, you might not be able to do it on your own. Thus, you risk hurting yourself as well as the people you call in to help you.

Where to Find Inspiration for Your Custom Wardrobe?


A lot of people dream of having a custom wardrobe made for them so that they can keep their clothes and other accessories safe. But having something custom-made means that you have to adapt it to your specific needs. And although many may know what exactly they want in terms of space distribution, not all may know what other options they have when it comes to colors, materials, decorations, and other features. So in order to find the inspiration to create your own custom piece of furniture, the best place to look for it is online. From Pinterest to Instagram and from design magazines to carpentry and woodworking forums, there are plenty of places online where people post and describe their ideal wardrobes. There’s no harm in taking a peek at what others may find interesting so that you can round up your vision a little.


You can also draw inspiration for your custom wardrobe from furniture shops and expos. A lot of manufacturers have big displays in order to showcase their newest and most interesting pieces. Whether they are new takes on classic pieces or simply futuristic designs using space-age materials, there are sure to inspire anybody looking to find out what they can do with their wardrobe. By going to these shops and expos, you might even find some valuable information, such as the prices of materials used or the names of the people that designed and built them. This way, you can also get an idea about what costs this entails.


You can always try and come up with ideas for your custom wardrobe by simply letting your imagination loose. Sure, wanting one that takes you all the way to Narnia can be quite difficult to build. But one that has the drawer space for all of your delicates is easier to deliver the order. So start sketching and drawing your ideas, write them down, and then have a specialist help you make those ideas into reality.


What Should I Start with When Designing It?


Most people, when designing their own wardrobe, usually start from the space they have available. Then they start measuring and partitioning the front. This way, they will know how many doors and how much space they have at their disposal. After that, it is simply a matter of figuring out what materials to use and how many shelves and rods to put in.


Why Do People Need a Custom Wardrobe, To Begin with?


There are loads of reasons why some people decide to have a custom wardrobe made. The most frequent one is that they want to fill up a specific space in their home. Wardrobes that can be bought at furniture stores usually have standard dimensions. These don’t always line up with the space a person has available. So they need a custom-built wardrobe in order to fit it perfectly. This way, they can fill up the space and increase the storage room at the same time. Plus, they can now have a very nice conversation piece to show off to guests and talk about with them.


Another reason why a custom wardrobe is such a big thing for some people is that many want custom-made pieces in order to differentiate from others. Not everybody likes buying off the shelf. Some enjoy having unique pieces in their house, whether they be flat-wear, artwork, or even furniture. So a wardrobe seems like the best way to go in this case. It is both practical and decorative. 

Sarah Addyson
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