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Top Ways to Organize Your New Luxury Home

KEEN Construction Ltd.
Top Ways to Organize Your New Luxury Home

Are you looking for easy ways to organize your custom luxury home? With many homeowners investing time and money into residential properties, home organization is a priority during the planning process.


As experts in luxury home building, we’ve gathered some excellent organization tips to help you keep your space efficient and clean. The more organized your space is from the beginning, the less likely you will accumulate clutter and stress over time. Here are some organization tips you can work into your new luxury home from the start.


Stay Organized in Your New Luxury Home


Organizing as you move in undoubtedly saves you time and effort. So, how can you ensure your new luxury home is organized as you build it? Let’s look at some excellent tips!


1. Start During the Building Process


During the planning and construction phases of luxury home building, you have time to consider organizing your space. Incorporating organizational tools during the building process and

purchasing the right tools and equipment before you move in can keep your space clean and clutter-free.

●    Don’t get overwhelmed by the space. Pace yourself and create a plan.


●    Create an essential list to look back on so you don’t get stuck in the minor details.


●     Talk to your luxury home builder about built-in organization options. Consider adding built-in wall shelves to your office or shelves and drawers to your walk-in closet.



2. Organize Your Stuff Before Moving In


Get rid of unused items before moving into your new home. Eliminating extra stuff is a great way to start fresh.

●    Clean out closets and drawers. Get rid of clothes that don’t fit, outdated styles, and items you haven’t worn for more than a year.

●    Clean and purge as you go. Sell oversized or valuable items on a local online marketplace to bring in some extra money.



3. Work Room by Room


Work room by room when you’re moving in and organizing your new luxury home. This will ensure you’re not overwhelmed with everything at once. Start with the space you use the most and work from there.



4. Purchase Furniture with Built-In Storage


If you’re in the market for new furniture, consider buying pieces with built-in storage. Nesting tables, couches with hidden ottomans, kitchen islands with extra shelves, and other organizational pieces can help save space and keep your new luxury home clutter-free.


Learn More About Building a Beautiful, Well-Organized Luxury Home


Don’t let the luxury home building process be overwhelming. Work with a BC luxury home building team that can help you build a well-organized space. Read here for more tips on creating the most efficient living space for you and your family.

KEEN Construction Ltd.
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