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Paediatric and Neonatal Dietitian Albion

Paediatric and Neonatal Dietitian Albion

Neonatal and paediatric dietitian Albion provide support to babies, children and teenagers who may have special dietary needs, such as allergies or fussy eating.

They have a wide range of experience, and they can help to translate scientific nutrition research into practical information. This means they are able to give you bespoke advice that will help you and your child achieve health and nutrition goals.


Nutrition is the sum of all the processes by which living things take in and use food to promote health and maintain body function. It is at the core of all life on this planet and is present in every aspect of our lives – right from the moment the sperm fertilizes an egg, through fetal development, birth, growth, maturity, old age and even death.

In paediatrics, our dietitians specialise in assessing and managing diets, eating habits and growth in children during times of health and illness. Using practical, bespoke, realistic methods they aim to resolve feeding problems and maximise growth and development within the parameters of an individual's condition.

Our paediatric dietitians work across the Northern Health and Social Care Trust including Antrim, Causeway, Ballymena, Mid Ulster and Whiteabbey areas. Our team of experienced and skilled dietitians provide a comprehensive service to children in the hospitals, and their families. They also support patients who require specialised infant formulae and enteral feeding.

Nutritional Assessment

Nutritional assessments are important for identifying the health needs of individuals. They help you understand how your diet compared to the recommended daily allowances for different nutrients and ensure that you're getting enough of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other substances to maintain good health.

The nutritional assessment process includes the collection of patient history, anthropometric measurements, biochemical data, medical tests and procedures, and nutrition-focused physical findings to evaluate the patient's nutrient needs. The evaluation allows the dietitian to establish a plan to address the dietary needs of the patient.

A paediatric dietitian can provide a valuable role in detecting and managing malnutrition. This is particularly true in children who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases or illnesses.

Nutritional Counselling

Having the right nutrition can be a huge factor in your daily life and helps you feel better. It also plays a key role in your health and disease.

A neonatal and paediatric dietitian Albion specializes in assessing nutritional requirements, food intake and growth both during health and disease. They can provide dietary advice that is tailored to meet an individual’s needs, taking into account their age, medical condition and treatment plan.

They can be used to help people suffering from chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart problems. They can also assist individuals with eating disorders and drug/chemical dependencies by creating eating plans that work well with their medication regimens.

The right nutrition is essential for children, especially in the early days of their life. They need balanced nutrition, not only high-calorie foods.

Dietary Management

Having the right nutrition services is critical to a child’s health. A diet that is balanced, high in nutrient value and low in fat can help to prevent malnutrition and support growth and development.

A registered dietitian at the Royal Children’s Hospital can provide advice and guidance on the right type of food for your child. RDs will work with you and your family to develop a plan that is tailored to your child’s needs, including any underlying medical conditions.

RDs are trained and experienced in the management of diets for children with medical conditions such as diabetes, gastroenterology or kidney disorders. Their experience can make a difference in your child’s recovery from illness and treatment.

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