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Appliance Repair Yonkers NY

914-202-0065 Steven Ferguson
Appliance Repair Yonkers NY

Appliance Repair Yonkers NY prides itself on giving consistent and friendly assistance to clients who hire us to do appliance repairs. Whatever it is that you want us to handle, rest assured that we will provide excellent service on time. We are proficient and dependable in fixing anything from stoves to washing machines and dryers.

What we guarantee at Appliance Repair Yonkers NY is prompt and excellent service. We repair all appliances and proudly keep getting updated to meet your expectations. Each one of our technicians is well trained and fully qualified to service appliances in your kitchen and laundry room. As a professional company, we offer upfront pricing while keeping our rates as low as possible. With the help of our appliance technician, problems are solved and your units remain reliable.

Not only do we work on problematic appliances, but also offer maintenance and installation services. If you like hassle-free appliances repair and installation services, turn to us. Ready to go shopping in Getty Square or spend some time at Yonkers Raceway and your dishwasher started leaking? Call us. When it comes to such emergency situations, our techs provide same day repairs. We try to be fast every time you need our assistance. And our pros are always fully equipped to do any home appliance repair.

By focusing on servicing appliances correctly, we guarantee the best customer service in Yonkers, New York. Our company is available to answer your questions, give you a quote, and take care of your needs. Give us a call at our Appliance Repair in Yonkers today.

Call 914-202-0065

914-202-0065 Steven Ferguson
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