Our Comprehensive Liver Transplant cost in India Center was created to provide our international patients liver transplant expenses in India with the best transplant experience possible. Our transplant team includes surgeons, physicians, nurses, social workers, nutritionists, pharmacists, therapists, psychologists, and many other specialists trained in transplantation, who are committed to actively working with our international patients through every step of the transplant process.
Liver Transplant
Type of Transplant in Our Hospitals
- Adult & Paediatric Liver Transplant
- Living & Deceased Donor Liver Transplant
- Complex Liver Resections
- Radio Embolization & Chemo Embolization of Liver Cancers
- Pancreatic Surgery
- Re-operative Surgery
- Liver Biopsy
Liver Transplant is a treatment available for people who have significant complications due to end stages of chronic/acute liver failure, cirrhosis that once may be healthy liver.
All our Liver Transplant Centres are equipped with:
. Dedicated Operating Theatres customized for transplant surgeries
. Dedicated State-of-the-art Intensive Care Units
. Speciality blood bank facilities
. High end Laboratories for all tests and investigations
. Diagnostic and Radiology Facilities which include 64 Slice CT scanners, 3 Tesla MRI machines, high-end Ultrasound facilities
. Dedicated wards and rooms for transplant patients
. Counsellors and Transplant Co-ordinator to take care of all your needs
. Dedicated helplines and unit managers to take care of your treatment needs and requirements
. Dedicated and trained nursing staff for your pre-operative and post-operative care
* Liver transplant in India is subject to committee clearance in India and only related donor
* Liver transplant in india success rate 90-95%
Liver transplant low cost India
Recipient Stay 24000- 26000 16
Donor Stay 7
Recipient Stay 26000-28000 21
Donor Stay 10