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Calvin’s Furniture & Leather Gallery.

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Calvin’s Furniture & Leather Gallery.

Calvin's Furniture, founded by Calvin and Louise Caruso in the 1950s, has transformed from a small-town hardware store into a premier furniture destination in Williamsville. Offering a wide range of high-quality furnishings for every room in your home, including living rooms, family rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, and home offices, Calvin's Furniture & Leather Gallery ensures your house becomes a comfortable haven. With financing and delivery options available, customers can explore an extensive selection of brands like Palliser, Flexsteel, and Bradington Young. Luxurious leather furniture, including sofas, chairs, and recliners, is a specialty at the Leather Gallery, inviting visitors to experience its elegance in person. For more information, please check out our infographic or visit our page: https://calvinsfurniture.net/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb-listing

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