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5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India | Svadhyaya Yogshala

Svadhyaya Yogshala

A break from high-stress job certainly brings positive change. If you are somehow dragging under tremendous work pressure you must take few days out for overall wellness. Planning a yoga retreat for five days can not only make the vacation memorable but satisfying too. During this period you enjoy the good things of a vacation and at the same time learn a skill which can help you always in life. Besides rejuvenating your body and mind, a well-planned retreat also prepares you to handle challenges with ease.

5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India | Svadhyaya Yogshala

5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India | Svadhyaya Yogshala

Svadhyaya Yogshala has designed 5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh to make your experience ever-lasting. It is suitable for all age groups and curated to break the day-to-day monotony. The package can certainly rekindle your interest in yoga by laying a strong foundation in the ancient practice. The module includes training in yogic postures, meditation techniques and also understanding yoga philosophy.

Located away from the city noise, Svadhyaya Yogshala offers peaceful stay where you can sharpen your skills in yogic postures and meditation. Being in the midst of natural and beautiful surroundings you would surely rediscover your true self which could help you chart out solid career path.

Daily Schedule 5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India | Svadhyaya Yogshala

Our comprehensive 5 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh provides daily classes on yoga, pranayama and meditation. In order to help you make most of the given opportunity, all basic facilities are provided within the school premise. They include free wi-fi internet connectivity, healthy food, RO water and laundry services. We also take special needs of those on a vegan diet.

Teachers at Svadhyaya Yogshala are among the best from the spiritual world and are available all day round to help and guide the guests.

In order to inculcate discipline and good habits, the day on the campus for all the students and guests starts early in the morning and also end early. During these hours, classes on various yoga forms and meditation sessions are held. There is also sufficient break in between for rest and self-study. The food high on vitamins and minerals are served thrice in the day to cleanse the body and bring positivity in mind.

06:00amWake Up06:30 - 06:45amYogic Cleansing (Jalneti)06:45 - 07:00amMantra Chanting07:00 - 08:30amAsanas, Pranayama and Meditation09:30amBreakfast11:00 - 12:00pmAyurveda Therapy12:00 - 01:00pmWorkshop & Activities01:30pmLunch04:30 - 05:30pmTea/Juice/Herbal Drinks05:30 - 06:30pmAsanas and Meditation07:00pmDinner10:00pmLights OffWHATS INCLUDED IN YOGA COURSE FEE

  • Private/Shared Accomodation
  • Three Vegetarian Meals per day
  • Evening Tea, Herbal Tea & Juice
  • Pranayama Asana and Meditation classes
  • Sound Healing Session
  • Free Wifi

Retreat opening ceremonyRetreat opening ceremony

Group meditationGroup meditation

teaching moment in retreat programteaching moment in retreat program

Retreat group meeting momentRetreat group meeting moment

Svadhyaya Yogshala
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