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The Global Escherichia Coli Strain Market Growth Accelerated By Wide Scale Adoption In Biotechnology Industry

Dhanesha Patil
The Global Escherichia Coli Strain Market Growth Accelerated By Wide Scale Adoption In Biotechnology Industry

The Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a versatile bacteria commonly used in biotechnology applications for commercial production of hormones, antibiotics, and other therapeutic agents. E. coli finds applications as a workhorse for research, diagnostics, and production of recombinant therapeutics. The global Escherichia Coli Strain Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1.97 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 24.% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

Market key trends:

The growth of the E. coli strain market is primarily driven by the increasing adoption of E. coli strains in the biotechnology industry. E. coli is one of the most widely used organisms for industrial-scale fermentation processes owing to its rapid growth, high densities, and the extensive knowledge of its genetics. Various strains of E. coli are extensively utilized as platform organisms for the production of therapeutic proteins, antibodies, enzymes, and diagnostics. Advancements in genetic engineering technologies have enabled researchers to manipulate E. coli genomes to optimize protein expression capabilities. This has further accelerated the large-scale commercial adoption of E. coli systems for bioprocessing applications. The development of robust E. coli strains specifically designed for optimal yields is anticipated to boost the market growth over the forecast period.

Segment Analysis

The global Escherichia Coli strain market is dominated by the K-12 strain sub segment. K-12 strains are non-pathogenic and are primarily used for various biotech applications like protein expression and metabolic engineering experiments. K-12 strains are preferred by majority of research & academic institutes as well as biopharma companies due to their high transformability and easy handling nature.

Key Takeaways

The Global Escherichia Coli Strain Market Analysis is expected to witness high over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. North America currently dominates the market owing to presence of many global key players and continuous funding for research in the region. Europe is witnessing the fastest growth in the market led by increasing R&D spending and favorable government initiatives for research.

Regional analysis

North America holds over 35% of total market share currently led by United States. Presence of leading market players as well as growing research on E.Coli strains for industrial applications is driving the market in the region. Europe market is growing at a CAGR of 30% and is expected to surpass North America by 2028. Countries like Germany, United Kingdom and France are major revenue generators in the European E.Coli strain market.

Key players

Key players operating in the Escherichia Coli strain market are Veritas Technologies Llc., Actifio Inc., Veeam Softwares, Commvault Systems Inc., Symantec Corporation, Ca Technologies, Microsoft Corporation, Dell Technologies Inc., Ibm Corporation, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Veritas Technologies and Actifio together hold over 15% market share currently due to strong portfolio of E.Coli K-12 strains as well as related tools and services for research.

Get more insights on this topic: https://www.newsstatix.com/escherichia-coli-strain-market-size-and-share-analysis-growth-trends-and-forecasts-2023-2030/

Dhanesha Patil
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