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Avoiding Common Storytelling Mistakes in Pune's Sales Arena - Deepesh Chandran

Deepesh Chandran
Avoiding Common Storytelling Mistakes in Pune's Sales Arena - Deepesh Chandran

The common mistakes in sales:


Sales is simple and complicated at the same time.

Simple because there are few simple rules that one has to follow diligently.

Complicated because every client of yours is totally different with different personality types, requirements, priorities, etc . Hence the sales person has to think on his feet to use the right rule at the right time.


This is where few mistakes happen in sales:

-      Poor Homework - Not doing enough homework and research about the customer and his expectation before each and every single meeting. Repeating again - “before every single meeting”

-      Poor listening - Not minutely listening to customers' needs and queries is a common mistake. Failing to understand what the customer is “trying to say”. Many just rely only on what the customer is saying.

-      Failing on commitments - Making false promises, making false claims of your product which hampers the trust of the customer

-      Relation building with customer - Sales is always an emotional transaction, where some times sales person fails to build the bond with the customer

-      Poor storytelling - Let’s understand it better as below


Importance of Storytelling in sales:

Storytelling is one of the biggest ways to create an emotional connection with the customer. Every purchase is always an emotional purchase. Just that the buyer is not aware of that.


What is Storytelling in sales:

The usage of Storytelling in sales is a wide & varied topic and extremely nuanced. Sales consists of various stages. Every stage needs a separate type of storytelling.

One small part of Storytelling in the initial sales stages includes telling specific anecdotes of previous customers who have used the product in various scenarios.


However the challenge lies in choosing the right anecdote i.e. story. Narrating the wrong story can be disastrous .

Even if one chooses the right story, the next challenge lies in narrating it in the right way so that it actually touches the heart of the customer.


How to avoid these storytelling mistakes in future i.e. practical steps to follow:

-         Choose the right story from your company history

-         Practice narrating the story multiple times before you do it for the customer

-         While practising, keep taking feedback from your inner circle on your narration and its impact

-         Don’t rely on just one story. Keep multiple stories in your repository

-         Keep making your story crispier based on its success with the customer


Pune is mainly an IT hub and also a manufacturing hub. As a sales person there are huge opportunities to sell your services in Pune. Above were the Common Storytelling Mistakes while selling in Pune's Sales Arena


We provide business storytelling services to the sales team of various organisations. Reach out to us for your queries


To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/

Deepesh Chandran
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