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How Is Hair Transplant Cost Determined?


Hair transplantation is of the best procedures to achieve the desired look after you have succumbed severe hair loss. It comes as a ray of hope in the life of individuals who experience hair loss. The best thing about this procedure is that it yields the most natural and appealing outcomes for people. 

However, it is imperative to know that hair transplant treatments come with a price. Yes, you need to pay money to get high-quality transplantation treatment.

So how is hair transplant cost determined?

Yes, this is one of the most significant questions, and you should be aware of the cost prior to opting for a hair transplant surgery in Lucknow or anywhere else in the world.

In this short post, we will specifically talk about the cost of hair transplantation in Lucknow. So, keep reading this post for detailed information on the hair transplant cost

Let's get started…

How Much Does A Hai Transplant Treatment Cost?

The cost of a hair transplant varies greatly based on several factors, which we will discuss in the upcoming section. However, the FUE hair transplant cost in Lucknow for 2000 grafts will be anywhere around INR 45000 – INR 70,000. But trust that every penny you pay for a FUE hair transplant is worthwhile. You will never regret your decision.

Let's now take a look at the different factors that determine the hair transplant cost in Lucknow. Here we go….

Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Cost 

Following are the factors that play a crucial role when it comes to determining the cost of hair transplant in India. Take a look…

Reputation and location of the clinic

The first and foremost reason that affects the cost of hair transplant in India includes the reputation and location of the clinic. Clinics with high reputation and located in big cities or regions charge greater prices for their services. This is because the cost of living in big cities or regions is on higher side, which ultimately affects the overall hair transplant cost as well.

Experience and expertise of the surgeon

Hair transplant surgeons who have greater expertise and a proven track record of generating excellent results often charge higher prices for their services. However, you can be sure of the best results with the most experienced hair transplant surgeon.

Number of grafts required

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which healthy hair follicles, also known as hair grafts, are transplanted from one location to another. Your surgeon will evaluate your condition prior to determining the number of grafts required. The requirement for the number of grafts varies based on the level of your baldness. For instance, if you are suffering from mild hair loss, then 800 to 1000 grafts are enough. Whereas, for severe hair loss, you may require a greater number of grafts. The cost of hair transplants will increase with the increase in the number of grafts.

Type of treatment

The cost of hair transplantation is also affected by the type of surgery you choose. There are numerous hair transplant treatments available, including FUE, FUT, DHT, and so on. The best among all is FUE. This is because it yields the best outcomes. However, know that FUE is a more detailed process that require more amount of time, which adds to the overall cost of the treatment.

Type and level of hair loss

The cost of hair transplantation can be affected by the type of hair loss. Every individual experience different kind of hair loss. Moreover, there are seven level of hair loss. The first two level are manageable with medicines; however, after that you need to get a hair transplant surgery. The severe the level of hair loss, the more the prices of the treatment.

Facilities in the clinic

The cost of the treatment is also influenced by the quality of the clinic's facilities as well as the degree of treatment that is delivered. Clinics that provide most advanced treatments using cutting-edge tools charge more prices for the services. In addition, aftercare treatment also adds to the cost.

Wrapping it up….

So, these are the different factors that impact the overall hair transplant cost in Lucknow. Aside from these, there are factors such as additional services, post-operative care, etc., also add to the cost. It is advised to get your treatment by the top hair transplant surgeon in Lucknow. A reputable hair transplant surgeon will always provide you with the right guidance and treatment options to choose from. A surgeon at a reputable clinic will always provide you with the right pricing. In addition, they will always be transparent with you. Still, it is advisable that you inquire about any hidden prices or additional fees in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the overall cost of the procedure.

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