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Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.

Queen mira International School
Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.

Inclusive learning aims at educating children with learning challenges along with the other children in the same environment. This will attend to several needs of the students by reducing the barriers within international schools in Madurai. 

It focuses on strengthening the education system so that every child receives the resources and opportunities needed to excel academically and socially.

Inclusive learning emphasises that all children with learning difficulties must be educated and given the right support & care alongside other children, which significantly benefits not only the special-need children but also the entire student community, by exposing them to the differences and difficulties that will help them evolve as fine citizens. 

How do the CBSE international board schools induce inclusive learning?

Enhanced curriculum: Schools must diversify the curriculum by including a wider range of subjects, perspectives, and authors for students to learn about several cultures, histories, and backgrounds.

Celebrate differences: Conducting cultural festivals, events, and celebrations can instil among students an appreciation for diversity. Queen Mira Madurai strives to include in their school routine inclusive activities and teams to embrace diversity.

Inclusive rules & policies: Regardless of their background, the school’s policies must ensure that all students receive equal opportunities which can be done by encouraging inclusivity in classrooms and group activities.

Well-trained staff: The school’s teachers and staff must be well-trained to handle diverse student groups and create an inclusive learning environment, without being biased. 

Collaborate and grow: Queen Mira Madurai is committed to shaping inclusive leaders of tomorrow by accepting and supporting a diverse student community. This will help students interact with peers from various backgrounds and foster friendships.

Anti-Bullying programs: It is essential to conduct anti-bullying programs to make sure the school provides a safe and inclusive learning environment for its students.

Parent involvement & guest speakers: Parents and guest speakers from different challenging backgrounds can be encouraged to be a part of the diversity initiatives backgrounds to share their experiences and insights with students

Queen Mira Madurai is recognised as the top CBSE international board school with the coveted CIS accreditation. The school is committed to being inclusive by identifying and supporting the individual needs of all the students. Providing a conducive and inclusive learning environment makes students feel safe, turn creative, express well, and embrace diversity in all forms. 

Being one of the best international schools in Madurai, the students learn to recognise and respect different backgrounds, talents learning differences, and cultures. The school’s inclusion team extends its valuable support to the staff and student community by sharing their expertise in the form of counselling and learning support for students with learning difficulties.

Queen mira International School
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