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Know About the Procedure of Deed Poll Accepted by UK Government

Deed Poll
Know About the Procedure of Deed Poll Accepted by UK Government

A Deed Poll is a legal document used in the United Kingdom to officially change a person's name. Unlike other legal documents, a Deed Poll is a straightforward declaration that expresses an individual's intention to abandon their old name and adopt a new one. This document is recognized by various institutions, including banks, passport offices, and the DVLA, as a valid proof of a name change.

Steps of Deed Poll Accepted by the UK Government

The process of changing your name by Deed Poll involves several key steps.

·The individual must create the Deed Poll document.

· This document must clearly state that the person is abandoning their previous name, adopting a new name, and committing to using the new name at all times.

· It should include the full old name, the full new name, and the date of the name change.

· There are many online services and templates available to help with drafting a Deed Poll, but it’s crucial that the document adheres to legal standards to be accepted.

· Once the Deed Poll is drafted, it needs to be signed in the presence of a witness.

· The witness must be an independent adult who is not related to the individual.

· This step is crucial as it ensures that the name change is being made voluntarily and without any coercion.

·  The witness must also sign the document, confirming that they have seen the individual sign the Deed Poll.

After the Deed Poll is signed and witnessed, the next step is to inform various authorities and institutions of the name change. This includes notifying HM Passport Office, the DVLA for driving licences, banks, building societies, employers, and other relevant organisations. Most of these entities will require the original Deed Poll document or a certified copy to update their records.

Complete Guidance to Complete the Procedure

For a Deed poll accepted by UK government, it must be executed correctly. The UK Deed Poll Service and other legal services can provide guidance and templates to ensure that the document meets all necessary requirements. It's important to note that while a Deed Poll is a legal document, it does not need to be registered or enrolled unless one wishes to have a public record of their name change. Enrolling a Deed Poll with the Royal Courts of Justice provides additional legal recognition and a permanent public record of the name change, but it is not mandatory for most purposes.

Summary: A Deed Poll accepted by the UK Government is a simple yet legally binding method to change your name in the UK. The process involves creating a document that clearly states the name change, signing it in the presence of a witness, and then informing the relevant authorities.

Deed Poll
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