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Furnace Repair or Furnace Replacement?

Universal Hvac Los Angeles
Furnace Repair or Furnace Replacement?

It's a cold winter night, and you find yourself shivering within the walls of your own home. Immediately, you turn on the heat, only to find that your furnace is malfunctioning.

Not only is this an incredibly inconvenient time for this to happen, but it also raises many questions. The biggest question of all is whether to repair or replace your furnace.

Whether you’re dealing with an old furnace, a new heating system, or a furnace that has required regular maintenance in the past, there are a great many factors that go into deciding if it is worth it to perform best furnace repair or to simply all-out replace your furnace.

Your Furnace’s Age

Sadly, heating systems are not always reliable. Generally speaking, a furnace’s expected lifespan is 15-25 years. If it’s younger than that, you could easily still have an efficient furnace in your home that could work wonders with a simple repair.

But suppose your faulty old furnace falls within that age range, rather than consistently re-upping and paying increasingly greater sums to service technicians from a utility company to perform major repairs to your HVAC system.

Your Furnace is Making Noise

If you hear strange noises from your furnace anytime you turn it on or off, it may be a sign of malfunction, but it could also be something else entirely. More often than not, loud noises come from unsecured ductwork, which can then tend to rattle about.

There could also be less severe issues with your furnace, such as an unbalanced inducer motor.

However, such loud noises could also indicate motor failure, a cracked heat exchanger, or even more significant issues. It’s tough to tell any significant difference between these various noises, so it is always best to contact a service technician such as Universal Heating & Air to ensure your HVAC system is working properly.

Universal Hvac Los Angeles
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