AI Products 

Acoustic Panel

The Silencer
Acoustic Panel

The portfolio of happy clients is continually building, because we’re slowly but surely putting a stop to noise complaints everywhere by using state of the art acoustic panel options. We carry out extensive market research, and stay up to date with trends and developments to ensure we’re always bringing you the most effective solutions. Our business was founded by Peter Mathew, a specialist in the soundproofing field with over 8 years of experience in the field to back his expertise. Based in Modbury in SA, we continually work towards bringing new, innovative soundproofing solutions to the table to help people overcome the stresses of noise pollution in and out of the home. We always start by providing you with useful and factual information, because we feel client education is an important part of the shopping experience. We want you to feel confident in us, and our products!The portfolio of happy clients is continually building, because we’re slowly but surely putting a stop to noise complaints everywhere by using state of the art acoustic panel options. We carry out extensive market research, and stay up to date with trends and developments to ensure we’re always bringing you the most effective solutions. Our business was founded by Peter Mathew, a specialist in the soundproofing field with over 8 years of experience in the field to back his expertise. Based in Modbury in SA, we continually work towards bringing new, innovative soundproofing solutions to the table to help people overcome the stresses of noise pollution in and out of the home. We always start by providing you with useful and factual information, because we feel client education is an important part of the shopping experience. We want you to feel confident in us, and our products!The portfolio of happy clients is continually building, because we’re slowly but surely putting a stop to noise complaints everywhere by using state of the art acoustic panel options. We carry out extensive market research, and stay up to date with trends and developments to ensure we’re always bringing you the most effective solutions. Our business was founded by Peter Mathew, a specialist in the soundproofing field with over 8 years of experience in the field to back his expertise. Based in Modbury in SA, we continually work towards bringing new, innovative soundproofing solutions to the table to help people overcome the stresses of noise pollution in and out of the home. We always start by providing you with useful and factual information, because we feel client education is an important part of the shopping experience. We want you to feel confident in us, and our products! Acoustic Panel

The Silencer
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