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Which Is A Better Option For Paid Marketing, Google Or Facebook?

Digital Markitors
Which Is A Better Option For Paid Marketing, Google Or Facebook?

Organic reach in digital marketing is certainly an achievement for business owners planning to take brand awareness to the next level. However, when it comes to targeting a specific group of audience, relying on a paid marketing campaign turns out to be worthwhile. Prior to investing on a particular social media platform for paid marketing, it will be ideal to understand its relevance as well as scope for business growth. To start with, Google ads have a higher reach as compared to Facebook, but, the cost incurred in its mechanism may also be high. 

On the other hand, if you are looking for a limited or smaller reach, Facebook ads will prove to be a cheaper alternative for PPC packages in India. Moreover, the flexibility of marketing products or services through paid marketing can be gained through Google advertising. It also implicates that a larger pool of potential customers with comprehensive targeting options can become easier & better by advertising through Google. Let’s take a look at some of the similarities and points of distinction between Google and Facebook for business promotion. 

Targeting options 

Demographic-based targeting can be planned in the PPC services on Google as well as Facebook. On the contrary, the use of keywords keeping in mind, the preferences of audience is prioritized in Google ads while user data is only the focused point to proceed with the targeting options in Facebook advertising. 

Ad formats 

Even though, the multiple ad formats can used to advertise on Google and platform, Google ads’ text only does not include any image. Hence, it offers less creativity for advertising. Nevertheless, Facebook ads have versatility in terms of visual brilliance, formats and power of capturing the attention of users. For instance, videos, carousel, graphics and the visually stunning post make PPC ads on Facebook impressive enough to get higher reach.


Irrespective of the reach limits, Google and Facebook are equally essential to target the audience in their respective domains. But, when it comes to identifying the distinguishing element between the two platforms to advertise by selecting the reputable digital marketing agency, Google has an upper hand in terms of offering the unparalleled reach. Since it is the highly acclaimed, trusted and mostly used search engine, Google ads turn out to be the resourceful platform for aligning the paid advertising goals. Nevertheless, in the case of Facebook ads, three billion active users and their behaviour act as the major source of metrics to obtain the desired results. 

On a comparative note, approximately three billion searches per day are an indicator of broadened reach and improved outcomes through Google's advertising plan. Currently, digital marketing agencies are playing a vital role in tapping the opportunities on social media and various platforms to set PPC objectives. Alternatively, the optimal use of PPC tools and the latest technological approaches are relied on to execute the campaign in a productive manner. 

Understanding Google ads and Facebook ads & their relevance for paid advertising 

As a part of Google advertising, paid campaigns can be run throughout the Google network to advertise the business. It further denotes that over 2 million websites are targeted to achieve the business promotion goals of the client by setting a variable budget for the ad campaigns. Additionally, the 3.5 billion search results on a daily basis act as a plus factor for businesses relying on Google ads for marketing & advertising requirements.

When the client counts on Facebook advertising after exploring the multiple PPC packages in India, it is possible to send branded messages to users within the network. Since Facebook is one of the largest social media networks, the reliability of yielding results with the desired reach can be expected without any mismatch. The ads are placed in the form of sponsored advertising formats in the newsfeed whether it’s for mobile or web users. The whole idea is to reach the targeted audience using Facebook by tapping the business opportunities in the market and advertising in a problem-solving manner. 

How to choose between Google and Facebook ads for advertising? 

The immersive experience of Facebook in presenting the brand message through creative ads makes this platform better than Google. Apparently, the text-only format of Google may not be as appealing as Facebook ads as the attractive visuals, videos and a variety of advertising on the latter compel targeted users to explore the business highlights. In short, the instant experience that Facebook offers to the targeted audience, 360-degree visualisation of a product or clarity of business presentation in terms of service. However, the display network of Google is competent to reach over 90% of online users and retain positive results due to the massive searches across the year. 

Here are some of the factors that help you decide how to decide whether Google or Facebook advertising will work in your favour: 


Initially, you need to determine the market domain where you need to allocate the budget in depending on your business niche. Google is known for bidding on the high-traffic verticals of the business and the optimal use of high-competition keywords is prioritized while advertising. Depending on the budget, keyword relevance and the industry-specific requirements, the cost per click of Google ads, is increased. On a comparative note, lesser competition may generally be experienced on Facebook, but, this insight may change if the use of Facebook and its reach is higher in your industry. Thus, the relevance of industry is a key factor in choosing between Google and Facebook ads. 

Campaign objectives 

Every business has unique advertising goals whether these pertain to top-funnel, middle-funnel or the bottom-funnel. In the top-funnel, social media interaction, web traffic, social shares or newsletter subscription may be some of the advertising goals that you may target by hiring the top digital marketing agency. However, landing page visits, session length and email click-throughs may be among the middle-funnel advertising objectives. On the flipside, the bottom-funnel advertising is centred on generating revenue, boosting sales and gross profit. 

The bottom-line

Google and Facebook ads have their distinct benefits for business growth, partner with the best digital marketing company and experience a profitable outcome!

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