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Tips to Ensure the Right Cleanliness & Care for Your Leather Upholstery

Hervey Bay Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning
Tips to Ensure the Right Cleanliness & Care for Your Leather Upholstery

Leather upholstery enjoys a great deal of preference as an ideal furniture upholstery material due to its stylishness, durability and low maintenance requirements. Despite all that, leather furniture items can still get stained and become dirty with time due to regular usage. That’s why it is important to ensure proper cleanliness and care for them. 

In this article, we will discuss some effective tips that you can follow for proper leather cleaning in Hervey Bay.

Leather upholstery cleaning tips

  • Dust regularly - The most effective way to keep dust and dirt away from accumulating on leather upholstery is by dusting them regularly using a dry & soft cloth.
  • Clean using a gentle water and soap solution - If it is a more serious spill, use a mixture of water and a mild soap to clean the area. The solution should contain 2 parts of water and 1 part of soap, and make sure to use a soft cloth for applying it. Soak up the extra liquid using a piece of clean cloth before drying the affected area.
  • Eliminate any spill immediately - In case you accidentally spill any liquid on your leather furniture, make sure to wipe it right away using a damp, clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the spill, as doing so can cause damage to the leather.
  • Invest in a good leather cleaner - Can you still see the stain? If yes, then buy a good quality commercial-grade leather cleaner. Read the instructions given on the label carefully before getting started.

Leather upholstery caring tips

  • Regularly condition your leather furniture - According to professionals offering leather cleaning service in Hervey Bay, a good leather conditioner helps retain the softness of your furniture, and prevents the material from drying & cracking.

  • Avoid exposure to direct heat or sunlight - Direct heat or sunlight can damage your leather furniture, causing it to crack or fade.

  • Don’t use harsh chemicals - Using harsh chemicals on leather can severely damage the material.

If you don’t have enough experience or time to do the above things by yourself, seek the help of a professional leather cleaning service in Hervey Bay. The cleaning personnel will have the right knowledge and tools to effectively clean and protect your furniture.

Hervey Bay Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning
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