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How Many Ultrasound Scans Do You Have When Pregnant?

Dr. Pooja Patel
How Many Ultrasound Scans Do You Have When Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a happy period that is expected with anticipation by every woman and a man. It’s also a time when expectant parents make health decisions, for instance, knowledge of ultrasonic scans for monitoring of the baby’s development. Being aware of what pregnancy scans are, how many pregnancy ultrasound scans are usually normal and the pregnancy scans schedule is beneficial for preparing for each stage of pregnancy. Here, you can find out the breakdown of how many ultrasound scans are done in pregnant women in India, and what these different scans entail.

The Role of Ultrasound Scans in Pregnancy

Sonography or sometimes called ultrasound is a technique of using sound waves to generate pictures of the baby in the womb. Such scans are helpful in assessing the health and development of the foetus as well as the health of the mother. They are useful in monitoring the growth of the foetus, the location of the placenta, amniotic fluid measurement, and any signs of any abnormalities.

Early Pregnancy Scan (6-8 Weeks)

The initial ultrasound scan can be done at between four and five weeks of pregnancy; however, the correct assessment is at 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. This early pregnancy scan, also known as the dating scan, is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Confirmation of Pregnancy: It tells you that you are pregnant and your pregnancy is intrauterine, this eliminates the chances of having an ectopic pregnancy (where the embryo is planted outside the uterus).
  2. Heartbeat Detection: It assesses the fetal heartbeat, which gives the parents the check that the pregnancy is viable.
  3. Gestational Age and Due Date: The scan is useful in calculating the gestation period of the baby and sets them right in terms of the Expected date of delivery.
  4. Multiple Pregnancies: It tells if you are pregnant with multiple fetuses or babies such as twins or multiples.

First Trimester Screening (11-14 Weeks)

Between 11 and 14 weeks, you will have the nuchal translucency (NT) scan This scan focuses on the neck area of the baby, and in combination with other Biochemical markers forms the first triple test. This scan is one of first trimester screening and it is accompanied by blood tests with the aim of evaluating risks of such chromosomal disorders as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc. Key points about the NT scan include:

  1. Nuchal Translucency Measurement: It quantifies the amount of the clear space referred to as translucent space in the tissue at the back of the baby’s neck. Abnormal babies are capable of tending to have a build-up of fluid at the back of the head during the first trimester.
  2. Early Anomaly Detection: Though this scan’s main function is confined to assaying chromosomal risk, there are three major physical defects that can be screened at this early stage.

Mid-Trimester Anomaly Scan (18-22 Weeks)

The mid-trimester scan or the anomaly scan is one of the most complete and essential scans during pregnancy in India. It is carried out from the 18th and 22nd week and offers comprehensive information regarding a baby’s growth and development as well as the possibility to identify numerous problems. Highlights of the anomaly scan include:

  1. Detailed Anatomy Check: It also looks at the position and development of organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, spine and the limbs to determine if they are formed correctly.
  2. Placenta and Amniotic Fluid: It determines the location of the placenta and also estimated volume of amniotic fluid, something that is important in a pregnant woman’s body.
  3. Growth and Development: It confirms that the foetal growth rate is proper and or if there are signs of Foetal Growth Restriction FGR or other complications.

Growth Scan (28-32 Weeks)

A growth scan, typically conducted between 28 and 32 weeks, monitors the baby’s growth and well-being in the third trimester. This scan is particularly important for:

  1. Checking Baby’s Size: It measures the baby’s size and estimates its weight to ensure they are growing properly.
  2. Position of the Baby: It checks the baby’s position in the womb, which is important for planning the delivery.
  3. Amniotic Fluid Levels: The scan assesses the levels of amniotic fluid, as too much or too little can indicate potential problems.
  4. Placental Health: It monitors the condition and position of the placenta to ensure it is providing the necessary support to the baby.

Additional and Specialised Scans

Depending on your health and the progress of your pregnancy, your doctor may recommend additional or specialised scans. These could include:

  1. Follow-up Scans: If any issues are detected in previous scans, follow-up scans may be necessary to monitor the baby’s development more closely.
  2. Third Trimester Scans (36-40 Weeks): These scans can check the baby’s position, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the placenta, particularly if you are overdue or have specific health conditions like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.
  3. Doppler Scans: These specialised scans measure blood flow in different parts of the baby’s body, such as the umbilical cord, to ensure they are receiving enough nutrients and oxygen.
  4. Biophysical Profile (BPP): This test combines an ultrasound scan with a non-stress test to check the baby’s health, including movement, muscle tone, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Customised Scans for High-Risk Pregnancies

High-risk pregnancies may require more frequent and specialised scans to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby. Factors that might categorise a pregnancy as high-risk include:

  1. Maternal Age: Pregnancies in women over 35 may require additional monitoring.
  2. Pre-existing Health Conditions: Conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid disorders may necessitate closer surveillance.
  3. Previous Pregnancy Complications: A history of previous pregnancy complications may lead to a customised scan schedule.
  4. Multiple Pregnancies: Carrying twins, triplets, or more often requires more frequent ultrasounds to monitor each baby’s development.

Understanding the typical pregnancy scan schedule is crucial for expecting parents. The number of ultrasound scans during pregnancy in India can vary based on individual health needs and doctor recommendations. Generally, you can expect to have around three to four main scans if your pregnancy is progressing normally, with additional scans if any issues arise.

At Diva Women’s Hospital, we prioritise your health and provide comprehensive care throughout your pregnancy journey. Our experienced team ensures you receive the necessary scans at the right times, offering peace of mind and the best care for you and your baby.

By following the recommended pregnancy scan schedule, you can monitor your baby’s development closely and ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy. For expert care and detailed scans during pregnancy in India, visit Diva Women’s Hospital, where we are dedicated to your well-being. If you have any concerns or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert team for guidance and support.

Choosing a hospital like Diva Women’s Hospital ensures that you have access to the best gynaecologists and state-of-the-art facilities, making your pregnancy journey smoother and more reassuring. Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and your healthcare provider will tailor the scan schedule to suit your specific needs, ensuring the best outcomes for you and your baby.

Read More:- How Many Ultrasound Scans Do You Have When Pregnant?

Dr. Pooja Patel
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