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How to Get ISO 22000 Certification Services


Achieving ISO 22000 certification is a significant milestone for any organization in the food industry, as it demonstrates a commitment to food safety management. This international standard provides a framework for ensuring the safety of food products throughout the supply chain. If you’re considering obtaining ISO 22000 certification, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps involved, the resources needed, and the benefits of certification.

Understanding ISO 22000

ISO 22000:2018 is the latest version of the standard that outlines the requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS). It integrates principles from the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and the ISO 9001 quality management system. The standard is applicable to all organizations in the food chain, from primary producers to food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification

Steps to Obtain ISO 22000 Certification

Resources for ISO 22000 Certification

Maintaining ISO 22000 Certification

Once you achieve ISO 22000 certification, it’s essential to maintain compliance:


Obtaining ISO 22000 certification is a valuable investment for any organization in the food industry. By following the outlined steps, leveraging available resources, and committing to continuous improvement, businesses can not only achieve certification but also foster a culture of food safety that enhances their reputation and marketability. This journey toward certification not only ensures compliance with international standards but also promotes a commitment to delivering safe, high-quality food products to consumers.

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