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Gene Synthesis- The Rapidly Advancing Field of Creating New Genes

vaishnavi rokade
Gene Synthesis- The Rapidly Advancing Field of Creating New Genes

The Rise of Commercial DNA printing Commercial DNA printing began in the early 2000s as costs dropped and demand increased. Whereas early DNA printing projects were limited to academic scientists and government agencies, private companies realized there was potential for commercializing the technology. By 2005, several startups emerged offering DNA printing as a service. This marked the beginning of DNA printing transitioning into a mainstream biotechnology tool and industry. One of the earliest commercial players was Blue Heron Biotechnology, founded in 2001. They were a Gene Synthesis in offering custom DNA printing online and shipping genes worldwide. Companies like GenScript and Twist Bioscience soon followed, growing the market and driving costs down further. By the late 2000s, DNA printing had become accessible to individual scientists and small labs for the first time. This opened the door to a surge of innovation as more researchers began experimenting with gene design and engineering. Continued Cost Reductions Fueling Adoption The commercialization of Gene Synthesis catalyzed a cycle of more demand driving lower prices, which further increased accessibility and applications. Over the past 15 years, costs have plummeted at an average rate of around 20% annually. Today, the price for a 1kb gene sequence has dropped over 100,000-fold from early DNA printing projects. This ongoing cost reduction is still significantly expanding the use of DNA printing. In the past, projects were limited to shorter genes or specialized applications. But costs are now low enough that designing and constructing multi-gene pathways and virtual genomes has become feasible. Several companies even offer fully synthetic bacterial and yeast genomes within a research budget. As prices keep declining, DNA printing will likely become incorporated into more areas of research and product development. Entirely new classes of genetic tools, diagnostics, therapeutics and industrial products will undoubtedly emerge from this new ability to rapidly design and build DNA. Applications in Biomedicine One area already flourishing through DNA printing is biomedical research and therapy development. Synthetic genes are enabling the design of new vaccines, diagnostic tests, cell and gene therapies and molecular tools for research. For example, scientists have used DNA printing to rapidly generate candidate vaccine antigens and screen them for protective immune responses against diseases like HIV, influenza and Ebola. Researchers can computationally design improved antigens, then quickly build and test them in the lab. DNA printing is also being applied to develop more accurate genetic tests. By synthesizing relevant gene regions, scientists can create controls and standards to validate disease diagnostics. As genetic sequencing identifies more disease-causing variants, DNA printing allows researchers to characterize unknown mutations and understand pathogenicity. In the field of cell and gene therapy, companies are developing entirely synthetic viral vectors free from pathogen sequences through DNA printing. This improves the safety profile of various gene and modified cell therapies in development for conditions like cancer, heart disease and genetic disorders. Beyond Biology - Applications in Biomanufacturing and Beyond While biomedicine captures much of the spotlight, Gene Synthesis has broad implications beyond basic biological research. It is enabling innovative new applications in industrial biomanufacturing, biofuels, biomaterials and more. Many companies are using synthetic biology and DNA printing to design microbes that can produce useful chemicals and materials on an industrial scale. Examples include sustainable biofuels, biodegradable plastics, dietary supplements and flavors/fragrances. By engineering biosynthesis pathways in harmless microbes, these products can be manufacturedrenewably without harsh chemicals or fossil fuel feedstocks. In the near future, synthetic genes may even be incorporated into engineered materials and products beyond traditional biology. One concept under exploration is developing synthetic genetic circuits that can interface with electronics or respond to light, temperature and other inputs – with applications in biosensors, smart clothing and more. While such technological uses of DNA synthesis remain speculative, they demonstrate the range of potential opportunities opening as our ability to design and construct genetic systems rapidly progresses. DNA printing is empowering new frontiers of innovation across industries and even beyond the study of living organisms. Current Challenges and the Path Forward Of course, perfecting and responsibly applying DNA printing technology presents ongoing challenges that must be addressed through continued research and governance. Accuracy and reliability still need improvement to enable engineering at a truly massive genomic scale. Advancing DNA writing technologies will be key, such as nanopore sequencing combined with targeted modification of long DNA molecules. Standardization of parts and characterization methods is also important for reproducibility between labs. Biosecurity concerns also warrant frank discussion and prudent oversight as de novo DNA printing capabilities develop. While the potential benefits are tremendous, this dual-use technology could theoretically enable dangerous applications and must be guided with safety and public benefit in mind. Overall, the field of Gene Synthesis will assuredly continue progressing rapidly thanks to declining costs, ongoing innovations, and spreading access worldwide. With diligent responsible development, it has potential for profoundly improving human and planetary well-being across health, environment and industry. With ongoing advancement and thoughtful governance, DNA printing is poised to revolutionize life sciences and technology.

vaishnavi rokade
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