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What Is Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration? Is It Successful?

Jacob Kaul
What Is Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration? Is It Successful?

The most widely recognized treatment for hair loss is hair transplantation, a procedure that has demonstrated considerable success. However, the mixed reviews regarding its effectiveness post-surgery continue to raise concerns among patients.

Hair transplant in Jaipur can be relied upon due to their high quality and impressive success rates at several clinics. The affordability of hair transplant cost in Jaipur has also contributed to an increase in medical tourism for this service.

Medispa hair transplant clinic stands out as the most esteemed and sought-after facility in Jaipur. Our advanced technology and modern amenities have garnered international acclaim. With our exceptional results and commitment to ensuring a safe procedure, you have ample reason to place your trust in us for your hair transplant needs. If you are in search of the finest options available, we should be your top consideration.

Let us delve into the often-asked yet infrequently discussed topic of the effectiveness of crown versus vertex hair restoration.

What is crown or vertex?

The vertex region is characterized by a swirling pattern located at the crown of the scalp, where hair radiates outward in multiple directions. The hair growth in this area is oriented radially and follows a clockwise, centrifugal pattern. Due to these unique characteristics, performing a hair transplant in the vertex or crown area is considered one of the most challenging and intricate procedures. It requires careful artistry; if executed without a keen sense of aesthetics, the outcome may resemble a wig. Additionally, given the extensive surface area involved, insufficient hair density in the donor region can significantly compromise the final results.

Stages of hair loss

The assessment of hair loss is categorized according to the Norwood classification system. This system delineates hair loss into seven distinct stages or grades, which are outlined as follows:

Class I: Entire hairline lies high on the forehead and is not actually balding.

Class II: Triangular areas of recession in the sides of frontal area and minimal recession on mid frontal area.

Class III: Borderline case. Deepening of triangular recession or can include thinning of hair on the vertex.

Class IV: Further frontal hair loss and widening of hair loss from vertex but still a wide band of hair present separating frontal and vertex hair loss.

Class V: Widening of frontal and vertex hair loss and continual breaking of separation line of hairs between frontal and vertex baldness.

Class VI: Band or bridge of hair disappear merging frontal and vertex baldness.

Class VII: A band ofhair presents only in back and side of the head.

The amount of baldness determines the therapy for hair loss. Medicines or PRP treatment are frequently used to treat early hair loss. Hair transplant is a therapy option when hair loss is severe and other non-surgical methods are ineffective.

Crown hair transplant procedure

Men in their mid-30s often experience hair loss at the vertex, but it has become increasingly common for younger individuals to be affected as well. The hair transplant procedure follows a consistent protocol for all patients, which includes extracting hair grafts from the donor site, creating incisions, and implanting the hair follicles into the targeted bald areas.

It is crucial to assess the donor area for adequate hair density, as a greater number of hair follicles is necessary for a successful procedure. The degree of baldness will significantly influence the number of sessions required to achieve the desired outcome.

Patients experiencing hair loss in the crown area are generally advised to undergo PRP treatments to mitigate the progression of their condition. In cases of severe hair loss, there is a possibility that the final results may be impacted in terms of hair density and the natural appearance of the hair.

When conducting crown hair restoration, it is essential to consider the proper angulation, direction, and arrangement of the hair follicles. Optimal results can only be attained by a skilled, experienced, and artistic surgeon.

The techniques for harvesting hair grafts vary between the FUE and FUT hair transplant methods. During the consultation, a qualified physician will evaluate the situation and recommend the most suitable approach.

Is crown hair transplant successful?

Crown hair restoration can be highly effective in appropriate circumstances. The expertise of the surgeon significantly influences the success of the vertex restoration procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to select a clinic that boasts a highly skilled surgeon and state-of-the-art facilities.

The perception of hair density can vary depending on the viewing angle; thus, the hairline may seem fuller post-restoration compared to the crown area. While the hairline appears dense from the front, it may appear less so when viewed from above.

Crown hair restoration typically necessitates a greater number of hair follicles, and satisfactory results can be achieved if there is an adequate supply of follicles in the donor region.

For an exceptional and satisfying experience with crown hair transplantation, consult Dr. Suneet Soni, who possesses extensive experience in managing similar cases. Medispa is equipped with all the essential tools and advanced facilities required to effectively perform any hair transplant procedure. Schedule an appointment today to benefit from Medispa's hair transplant services in Jaipur and Delhi.

Best effective hair loss treatment

The most effective approach for addressing baldness has been identified as hair transplantation, a statement that holds true. The increasing popularity of this method can be attributed to its numerous benefits. The procedure involves extracting hair follicles from specific areas of the body that possess permanent hair growth and subsequently implanting these follicles into the balding regions. The treatment can be performed using either the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) techniques. Although the transplantation process remains consistent across both methods, the distinction lies in the technique used for harvesting the hair follicles.


Hair transplantation has become the preferred solution for individuals experiencing hair loss due to several reasons:

1. It provides a lasting solution to hair loss, representing a one-time investment that can effectively address the issue for a lifetime.

2. The results of a hair transplant can appear completely natural and undetectable.

3. This option is convenient, as it requires no ongoing maintenance or replacements.

4. Following a hair transplant, patients can anticipate optimal hair growth, and the procedure is entirely painless.

Jacob Kaul
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