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Hair Fall Treatment in Lucknow: Customized Solutions for Your Hair Care Needs


Hair on the head improves personality. Full hair on the head exudes youth and personality. Hair fall is a primary concern among men and women of all ages. Some people experience hair fall at a young age. They feel embarrassed to move around in public or even spend quality time with their friends.

Losing hair

It is natural for people to lose a few strands while combing. However, if you lose excessively, it is a matter of concern. You cannot have hair clogging your drains, lying on the floor surface in rooms, or flying around. Protect your hair before you lose it all. Understand the reasons behind hair fall and act immediately. Delay in this regard will make you bald.

Signs and symptoms

People may lose hair for different reasons. It can be gradual or sudden. Some types are temporary while others are permanent. Knowing the signs and symptoms will help take appropriate measures. You may experience a receding hairline or gradual thinning at the forehead region. Bald spots also called Alopecia, and hair loosening are other signs to look for.

Understand the causes.

1. Hormonal changes

Pregnant women, menopause, childbirth, or perhaps, changing contraceptives might cause hormonal changes. It affects the hair’s growth cycle and results in increased hair fall. During childbirth, women experience extreme stress on their bodies. Hair follicles could be pushed to the telogen phase. It is hair loss experienced in the scalp region. Fortunately, it is a reversible condition.

2. Hereditary and Stress

Genetic factors might cause hair loss. This condition is called androgenetic alopecia, hereditary, or male pattern baldness. Men experience this condition. The other factor is stress. Today’s age is highly competitive. People are faced with relationship or work issues. Stress prevents essential nutrients from reaching the hair roots, thus making them weaker. Prolonged stress may cause alopecia.

3. Infections, Medications, and Therapies

Some people might suffer from bacterial or fungal infections. It could reduce hair volume on the scalp region, resulting in thinning hair or even balding. However, appropriate hair fall treatment in Lucknow can help restore hair growth. Besides this, certain drugs and chemotherapy could cause hair loss. Your hair expert will learn the reasons, and provide customized treatment based on your unique condition.

4. Hair care products

Few hair care products contain harsh chemicals that may cause hair fall. Select organic shampoos and conditioners that are gentle on your hair. Avoid chemical-based ones. Besides this, repeated use of hair styling tools may result in hair loss. Although it makes you appear chic, heat styling weakens and damages the hair strands. Even bleaching, straightening, perming, and curling the hair breaks hair strands.

5. Wrong lifestyle habits

People lead busy lives these days. They put in extra hours at the office to provide financial happiness to their dependents. But in the process, they lose quality sleep. Some even catch the habit of smoking, partying late at night, drinking alcohol, or indulging in substance abuse. Such a lifestyle disrupts the body mechanism essential to producing healthy hair.

6. Pollution

Some people are required to travel a lot for work purposes. Indian roads are dusty, and have fuel particles in the air. They affect the scalp negatively and restrict blood and protein supply to the hair roots, thus restricting hair growth. Air pollution is cited as one of the primary reasons to experience premature greying or hair loss.

Can you control hair fall? How?

• Balanced diet: Consume a protein-rich diet. It is necessary to produce healthy hair. It prevents greying and falling of hair. Reduce intake of spice and salt. Consume the juice of the aloe vera plant regularly. It balances hormones in your body and controls hormone-linked hair fall.

• Medications: The doctor may prescribe taking over-the-counter medicines to regrow lost hair. However high dosage might irritate the scalp and cause acne. Another medication, Phenylephrine helps contract the hair follicles, thus preventing hair breakage. The other one is Finasteride which can be used to regrow hair. Unfortunately, pregnant women and others may not be eligible for them.

• In-house treatment:

  • Platelet-rich plasma: Human blood separates platelets when moving through a centrifuge. The qualified doctors induce platelet-rich plasma in the scalp to promote regrowth.
  • Laser therapy: Low-level lasers benefit people undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing genetic hair loss. This red light therapy stimulates epidermal stem cells.
  • Scalp reduction: In this procedure, medical experts use surgical techniques to remove certain bald scalp regions. It includes scalp lifting. Both women and men can benefit from this procedure. Hair

  • transplantation: This procedure involves surgical techniques and produces the best results. The highly trained doctors remove hair follicles from the identified region, called the donor site. Then, they place them on the bald areas. This minimally invasive procedure benefits male pattern baldness.

Diagnose hair loss

The experienced doctors ask questions to understand the exact cause of hair loss. They determine your eligibility for the transplantation procedure to ensure the best results. They perform a manual examination by pulling out several hair strands from the surrounding region. Then, they prescribe blood tests to determine if you suffer from some underlying medical condition. Scalp biopsy helps evaluate the hair follicles. Once satisfied, they recommend the procedure.

Customized solutions

The top hair fall clinic conducts diverse tests to determine the causes of this problem. They provide customized solutions based on their findings. The results obtained are reliable and safe. You can enjoy new hair and stop worrying about hair loss.

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