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Is A Carboxy CO2 Facial Right For Your Skin Type

Daejong Medical
Is A Carboxy CO2 Facial Right For Your Skin Type

Looking for radiant and healthy skin? Versatile Carboxy Co2 Facial can be the right choice for your skin type. This face mask can restore and improve your skin texture. However, you must know what this product entails before making any decision.

What Is A Carboxy CO2 Facial?

A Carboxy Co2 Facial is a non-invasive skincare treatment. A CARBOXY CO2 GEL MASK is an unprecedented substance transfer system, where CO2 generated from the mixture of two components of GEL is applied to the skin and MASK is delivered to the skin efficiently.

How It Works:

Once Co2 is activated and absorbed into the skin, it triggers an influx of oxygen-rich blood to the skin. This process stimulates collagen production and enhances your Skin Health. This is the latest treatment technology, providing quick, effective, and suitable solutions for various skin concerns.

The Benefits of a Carboxy CO2 Facial:

Are you wondering why treatment is gaining traction? Consider the following benefits-

A Carboxy CO2 gel mask can restore the natural glow of your skin by stimulating blood flow.

The increased collagen production smooths fine lines and improves skin elasticity

It promotes healing and skin regeneration.

The oxygenating properties of this mask help tighten pores and create a smoother texture

This mask reduces acne scars and uneven skin tone

Carboxy CO2 gel mask nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving it plump and moisturized.

Is CARBOXY CO2 GEL MASK Safe For All Skin Types?

The versatility of this facial mask makes it suitable for various skin types. Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, or aging skin, this is the right solution for you.

How To Prepare For A Carboxy CO2 Facial:

Before applying your CARBOXY CO2 GEL MASK, you need to prepare your skin for it, leading to the best results.

Don’t use harsh scrubs or chemical exfoliants for a few days before applying this mask. Always consult an expert about your skin history and any concerns.

The process typically takes 20 – 30 minutes to be effectively absorbed into the skin.

When it comes to post-care, you need to avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours, avoid sun and heat, avoid alcohol and salt, and avoid makeup. Book your session today! The Carboxy Co2 Facialis a versatile and effective treatment for various skin types. This is where Daejong Medical introduced a Co2 mask pack and a Co2 body mask which were able to obtain the Co2 effect without injecting Co2 into the skin after the research and development for two years. Learn more at www.daejongmedi.com

Daejong Medical
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