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Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread for Breakfast—Is Nutella Healthy?

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Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread for Breakfast—Is Nutella Healthy?

Today, Nutella has a massive global following. It is an extremely delicious chocolate hazelnut spread. You can use it in your breakfasts, desserts, and snacks. Undoubtedly, Nutella spreads are becoming a favorite eating item for adults and kids because of their taste and multiple health benefits.

Now, the one question that pops into your minds, "Is Nutella good to add to your diet? People around the world think it is healthy because it is packed with hazelnuts. Even the company claims that Nutella offers health benefits compared to other similar spreads. But what if there are creepy chemicals and artificial colors on it? If you want to know whether Nutella is good for your health or not, here we know about the health aspect of this chocolate spread and also tell you what nutrients are present in it. Let's get started!

What is Nutella? 

Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spreads is a sweet hazelnut cocoa spread for everyone. It is produced by an Italian company called Ferrero, which is the third largest chocolate producer. Nutella chocolate spread is known for its creamy texture and rich, nutty chocolate flavor. Today, it is one of the iconic FMCG products worldwide that you can find in almost every local shop, online retailer, and supermarket. 

Eating Nutella is simple and efficient. You can simply spread Nutella on your waffles, bagels, or bread. And consume it when you are feeling the urge to eat. Additionally, you can also use it as a dip for fruits like bananas or strawberries or drizzle it over ice cream for a dessert treat. Its rich chocolate flavor makes your meal extraordinary to eat. 

Nowadays, small and large businesses turn to FMCG distributor to order Nutella spread in bulk quantities. This method helps them get their products directly from the FMCG Nutella Chocolate distributor. This keeps their money safe and also helps them to accumulate large amounts of stock at the same time.

Nutella Ingredients and Nutritional Facts

The FMCG company has made efforts to make their product beneficial for health. Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread has several important ingredients. Below is a list of each ingredient that you should know before adding it to your breakfast:


Nutella is quite high in sugar, which sometimes leads it to be a sugary treat rather than a health-focused option. Overall, sugar is the ingredient that is found in the highest quantity in this chocolate spread.

Palm oil

Palm oil is another important ingredient in Nutella. It is a type of vegetable oil derived from the fruit of the palm tree. This ingredient gives a creamy texture and spread ability in chocolate spreads.


Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread contains 100% pure hazelnut paste. This is the main ingredient in Nutella that contributes to its distinctive nutty flavor. Each jar of Nutella is equivalent to about 50 of these sweet nuts.

Skimmed Milk Powder

The creamy and rich texture of Nutella comes from skimmed milk powder. This mixture, along with hazelnuts and cocoa, also gives Nutella its smooth texture. Powdered milk increases the shelf life of the product, and it does not need to be refrigerated.

Soy lecithin

Soy lecithin is an emulsifier added to Nutella to help the various liquids blend together into a smooth mixture. It stabilizes the mixture of oil, cocoa, and hazelnuts, preventing separation.


Vanillin is a major flavor compound found in Nutella. It is naturally extracted from the vanilla bean. Vanillin gives a vanilla-like flavor and enhances the overall taste of the spread. 

Two tablespoons (37 grams) of Nutella contain the following:

Nutritional Facts

Should You Include Nutella in Your Diet? 

Now, let's address the key question on your mind: Should you include Nutella in your diet? The answer is not a straight yes or no. Because if you keep it balanced, Nutella can be a great source of energy to maintain your health and lifestyle. On the other hand, its excessive consumption can be risky as it contains high amounts of sugar. 

Nutella: Final Thoughts

No doubt, Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread is one of the best eating solutions for quick and instant energy. If you take the recommended amount, this chocolate spread for breakfast is healthy and safe. Nutella helps you to make a tasty and kid-friendly breakfast for your kids. However, as we also discussed, the majority of its parts are made of sugar and fat. And eating these ingredients in large amounts should not be considered healthy. Today, the best FMCG distributor in UAE explores and imports these products worldwide. And count the increasing demand for Nutella spreads. The benefits and drawbacks of eating Nutella are explained in this guide.

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