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How to Get Certified for ISO 22000 in Bahrain


Achieving ISO 22000 certification in Bahrain is a crucial step for any organization operating in the food supply chain, ensuring compliance with international food safety management standards. Whether you are a small food producer or a large multinational corporation, obtaining this certification demonstrates your commitment to food safety, enhances customer trust, and opens doors to new markets. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to get certified for ISO 22000 in Bahrain.

Understanding ISO 22000

ISO 22000 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS). It integrates principles from the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and covers all organizations involved in the food chain, from farm to fork. By identifying and managing food safety risks, ISO 22000 ensures the delivery of safe food products to consumers.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification

Steps to Achieve ISO 22000 Certification in Bahrain

1. Understand the Requirements

Before starting the certification process, familiarize yourself with the ISO 22000:2018 standard. The key components include:

2. Conduct a Gap Analysis

Evaluate your current food safety management practices against the requirements of ISO 22000. Identify gaps and areas that need improvement. A gap analysis can help you understand the scope of work required to meet the standard.

3. Establish a Project Plan

Create a detailed roadmap for your ISO 22000 certification journey. This should include:

4. Develop and Implement the FSMS

Build or enhance your food safety management system to comply with ISO 22000 requirements. Key actions include:

5. Employee Training and Awareness

Engage and educate your workforce on ISO 22000 standards. Employees should understand their roles in maintaining food safety, be familiar with the FSMS, and be prepared for their involvement in audits.

6. Internal Audit and Management Review

Conduct an internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of the FSMS and ensure compliance with ISO 22000. Management should review the audit results and address any identified non-conformities.

7. Select a Certification Body

Choose an accredited certification body in Bahrain. It’s essential to select a reputable organization approved by international accreditation bodies such as the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

8. Stage 1 Audit: Documentation Review

The certification body will review your documented FSMS to ensure it meets the requirements of ISO 22000. They may request revisions or clarifications during this stage.

9. Stage 2 Audit: On-Site Assessment

In this stage, auditors from the certification body will visit your premises to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the FSMS. They will observe processes, interview employees, and review records.

10. Certification Decision

If your organization successfully passes the on-site audit without significant non-conformities, the certification body will issue your ISO 22000 certificate. If issues are identified, you’ll need to address them and undergo a follow-up audit.

11. Maintaining Certification

ISO 22000 certification is not a one-time process. You will need to:

Tips for Successful ISO 22000 Certification

Cost of ISO 22000 Certification in Bahrain

The cost of certification depends on various factors, including:

It is advisable to obtain quotes from multiple certification bodies and budget for additional expenses like employee training, process upgrades, and consultant fees.

Finding ISO 22000 Certification Bodies in Bahrain

Several accredited certification bodies operate in Bahrain. These organizations are experienced in conducting audits and issuing certificates for ISO 22000. Look for bodies that are:


Achieving ISO 22000 certification in Bahrain is an invaluable step for food businesses aiming to strengthen their safety standards, enhance their reputation, and achieve global competitiveness. By following this step-by-step guide and committing to food safety excellence, your organization can successfully attain and maintain ISO 22000 certification. Investing in this process is not just about compliance; it’s a strategic decision that adds long-term value to your business.

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