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How Culture will Impact Mobile App Marketers in the Future ?

Ariana Johnson
How Culture will Impact Mobile App Marketers in the Future ?

In order to make your app known on the world stage, you need to consider crucial factors including the culture of users at different regions.

Customizing your app and adding features in accordance with the relative culture of the users will help your app to sustain longer in mobile app world.

Let’s get a Deep Insight

Today smartphone user are commonly divided into two groups iOS and Android users.

The user from both the platforms shows different culture in terms of many respects, survey and research did by AppsFlyer shows all the patterns and difference between both the type of users.

AppsFlyer analyzed more than 1.1 billion paid apps in a period of 6 months to come up with precise data showing the on-going trends and key elements among the iOS and Android users.


Read Complete Article here.

Ariana Johnson
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