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The best Node.js framework (Express.js, Koa.js or Sails.js)

Vlad Dm
The best Node.js framework (Express.js, Koa.js or Sails.js)
We are going to explore three Node.js backend frameworks: Express.js, Koa.js, and Sails.js. These are MVC server frameworks and written in JavaScript. Therefore, they share the same advantage - they are compatible across various browsers, devices, and OSs. To learn about their differences, lets delve into definitions a bit.

What are MVC frameworks for Node.js?

The frameworks that emulate MVC pattern for Node.js framework are also known as Node MVC frameworks. As the name implies Model View Controller approach is based on three components: model (which is business logic and data of the app), view (format and layout of data - app UI) and controller (which sends requests and updates between the two).
How MVC works
How MVC approach works
Frameworks that are based on MVC approach are generally good for enterprise-grade solutions and provide upfront support while being not so much flexible. For more simple solutions, a more lightweight Node.js server framework is a better option as they let apps be maintainable with less code while building and in many cases are based on middleware.

How middleware affects Node.js web development?

Middleware is a piece of software that glues and controls the flow of information between an application and the server, database, and operating system.
what is middleware
What is Middleware?
When you build Node.js apps, you can create a middleware of two types:
  • Intermediaries: the elements that process the requests and responses, but they are not fully responsible for the request itself, so they delegate the request to the next layer.
  • End elements: elements that are fully responsible for the final response. They process and modify the request and response, but do not delegate them to the next layers. In practice, the ability to delegate to the next layer is still preferable for architectural flexibility (for example, to add another layer), even though this layer does not exist (in this case the response is sent directly to the client). 

read more at https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/the-best-node-js-framework-for-your-project--express-js--koa-js-or-sails-js

Vlad Dm
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