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Social media trends and social media app development guide

Vlad Dm
Social media trends and social media app development guide

(full article  - Social media trends and social media app development guide)

When you are planning to choose the appropriate app that you want to use as the sample for your future product. What types of social apps exist, what features do they have? You can check it out right here.
Messengers apps
If you just like chatting, messenger app were created specifically  for you. Messenger is a mobile app or web service for instant messaging. In addition to common talks with friends, messengers are actively used in business. They make it possible to provide the client with timely service.
The most popular messengers today are undoubtedly WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, and ICQ. Each of the listed messengers has their own circle of users and their own set of interesting features.
Hint from Cleveroad: Before creating your own app, you should understand how to make a social media app, what features it should have, what bonuses users will receive, and how they will chat. Also, you should select what chat type your messenger will have - group or only individual, call types - voice or audio calling/both of them. If immersing in details, you can add a typing status feature in your messenger - it allows users to see when their interlocutors are typing a message.
Live streaming apps
It's never been as easy to launch live streaming video from any place as it is today. Now any smartphone owner can do it. Live streaming apps are gaining wide popularity day by day.
Live stream video is interesting for consumers because it's a more of an authentic advertising type, rather than an already edited video clip. For example, the company can show how they manufacture their goods, hold various contests, raffle some gifts and so on.
Different social media apps like Periscope, Meerkat, Stre.am dominate their social media apps sector.
Hint from Cleveroad: If you intended to build a live streaming app, pay attention to how your database will be updated - manually or automatically. Also, you should decide on whether you will use a ready app builder or development company that will do it from scratch. Add a Like button so users can select the most popular channels. As for monetization, here you can add paid channels, so users will be able to check specific content that's only available on a paid basis.
Vlad Dm
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