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How much does it cost to develop a mobile app

Alex Black
How much does it cost to develop a mobile app

So called millennial phenomenon, the mobile app industry is considered to be the way of the future.

It should come as no surprise that there are a lot of people wishing to bring their ideas on how to bring smartphone users more to life.

Because of different variables the average cost to develop an app could range from $5 000 to $500 000, a customer should be ready for a heavy investment, both in time and money.

Today I'm giving insight into key factors that help to determine the appropriate mobile app development budget personally for you.

Also pay attention on the portfolio of agency and its experience of developing specific components that your app might need — you shouldn't go after agencies that develop elementary apps even if they use the best mobile app development platform.

It means, there are wireframes and mockups for key functionalities, but details are handled by the team during the development process.

Alex Black
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